The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) is continuing to seek a second vehicle and the driver in connection with the death of Loren St. Cyr, 20, of
According to LCSO Lt. Rand Maker both physical and forensic evidence found at the scene indicate that St. Cyr was struck by an unknown vehicle and was left lying helpless in the road.
After being struck by the hit and run vehicle, St. Cyr was struck again by a 1996 Mercury Villager driven by James McKenna, 38, of Jefferson, who attempted to avoid St. Cyr but was unable to. McKenna immediately stopped his vehicle and summoned the authorities, who responded and found that St. Cyr had succumbed to his injuries at the accident scene.
St. Cyr’s brother Shawn is pleading for information from the public. With eyes brimming with tears, he asked the public to help find the unknown vehicle and driver.
“There are people out there who know who did this, who were told who did this, or did this,” Lt. Maker said. “People have a conscience, and anyone out there with information should come forward.”
“If that person driving had taken responsibility, they would have stopped,” Shawn St Cyr said. “All I’m asking is that they do the right thing. Please, if anybody knows what happened, call the Sheriff’s office.”
Shawn St. Cyr added, “Loren wasn’t just a friend, he was my brother. He was a strong, tough kid who would do anything for anybody.”
According to Lt. Maker, information provided in the death of St. Cyr will be held in confidence. Maker said that they have received some telephone calls, but as of press time, the LCSO did not have any new information.
The LCSO did not comment on the nature of the evidence they do have, or what type of vehicle may been involved with the first collision.
“We’re taking it all in and awaiting test results,” he said.
The investigation is still very much active. Anyone with information should call 882-7332.