Lincoln County indictments, May 10-11:
Robert N. Benner, 32, Wiscasset, class C eluding an officer, class E operating after suspension, class E violation of condition of release.
Breton L. Berry, 53, Boothbay, class B aggravated assault, class D domestic violence assault, class D obstructing report of crime or injury.
Todd Bradstreet, 36, Waldoboro, class C unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, class C unlawful trafficking of scheduled drugs.
Chas A. Echols, 23, Rochester, N.Y., class A aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs (cocaine base), criminal forfeiture of $4,351.
Felichia Glidden, 22, Waldoboro, class B unlawful trafficking in schedule W drugs (cocaine base).
Russell Griffin, 50, Waldoboro, class B unlawful trafficking in schedule W drugs (oxycodone), criminal forfeiture of $5,732.
Adam D. McDonough, 48, Waldoboro, class C sexual abuse of a minor, class D unlawful sexual contact, two counts.
Christopher Knight, 24, Rockland, class A aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs, class C unlawful possession of schedule W drug (heroin), class E violation of condition of release.
Thomas P. Montuori, 36, Bristol, class C stealing drugs, class D domestic violence assault, class D unlawful possession of scheduled drugs, class E harassment by telephone, class E violation of condition of release.
Rashad R. Newsome, 23, Rochester, N.Y., class A aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs (cocaine base), criminal forfeiture of $2,098.
Briannah Parlin, 24, South Thomaston, class B unlawful trafficking in schedule W drugs, class E violation of condition of release.
Sean Pinkham, 28, Waterville, class B unlawful trafficking in schedule W drugs (oxycodone).
Jonathan A. Tarr, 39, Waldoboro, class A kidnapping; class B aggravated assault, two counts; class C criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon, two counts; class C reckless conduct with a dangerous weapon; class D domestic violence assault; class D endangering the welfare of a child; class D obstructing report of crime or injury.
Dustin E. Thiboutot, 38, Boothbay Harbor, class C domestic violence stalking.
Harley Winchenbach, 23, Waldoboro, class A aggravated trafficking in schedule W drugs (cocaine base).
(Editor’s note: A grand jury reviews state evidence and returns an indictment if it finds the evidence sufficient to justify a trial. An indictment is not a finding of guilt.)