The following property transfers were recorded recently at the Lincoln County Courthouse in Wiscasset:
Boothbay: Betsy L. Angelico to Andrew G. Angelico; Suzanne C. Henderson and Suzanne C. Kuzniacki to Suzanne C. Henderson 2013 Revocable Trust; Gordon F. Nicoll (Pr.) Tr., Robert S. Nicoll (Pr.) Tr., Peter S. Nicoll (Pr.) Tr., Robert G. Nicoll (Est.) and Nicoll Family Trust to Kerry McEntee and Marilyn R. McEntee;
Boothbay Harbor: Jane E. Murphy (Pr.), Beverly W. Paca (Pr.), and Margret T. Furbush (Est.) to Susan E. Craig; Boothbay Harbor Sewer District to Cynthia B. Sharon Spear and Cynthia B. Sharon; Donna G. Flynn (Pr.) and Constance Rice Gray (Est.) to Annaliese Rittershaus Brauman; Federal National Mortgage Association and Fannie Mae to Walter Connell and Susan Connell; Fabry L. Murphy and Fabry L. Christy to Fabry L. Murphy and Herbert L. Murphy Jr.;
Bristol: Bath Savings Trust Company (Tr.), Judith Thom (Tr.), and June I. Hicks Irrevocable Trust to James Hicks and Judith Thom; Eric A. Peterson to Eric A. Peterson (Tr.), Jennifer A. Grover (Tr.), and Grover; Susanne R. Holmes to Ronald E. Pendleton and Jeraldine Y. Pendleton; Bath Savings Trust Company (Tr.), Judith Thom (Tr.), and June I. Hicks Irrevocable Trust to James Hicks and Judith Thom; Farrell Joseph Dolan and Dianne S. Dolan to Dianne S. Dolan (Tr.), Farrell J. Dolan (Tr.), and Dianne S. Dolan 2013 Revocable Trust; John J. Lynch (Tr.) and Roger A. Fessaguet Amended And Restated Revocable Living Trust to Gary L. Llewellyn and Debra L. Llewellyn;
Damariscotta: Cathy A. Spikula Galvin and Stanley D. Galvin to Lucas S. McNelly and Amanda Nelson;
Jefferson: Anthony J. Gallace and Susan L. Pease to Peter P. Gallace; Bruce J. Relyea (Tr.) and Bruce J. Relyea Trust to Steven J. Relyea and Gregory J. Relyea;
Newcastle: Leah W. Sprague, Morrison M. Bonpasse and Morrison M. Bump to Leah W. Sprague; Merrill B. Bailey and Shirley A. Bailey to Michelle B. Phelps and Daniel A. Phelps; Merrill B. Bailey and Shirley A. Bailey to Michelle B. Phelps and Daniel A. Phelps; Christiana Trust (Tr.), Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB (Tr.), GFT Mortgage Loan Trust Series 2013-1, Dwendyann M. Parlin, Dwendy Parlin, Eric M. Parlin, and Erikka Michale Parlin to Christiana Trust (Tr.), Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB (Tr.), and Pretium Mortgage Aquisition Trust;
Nobleboro: Richard L. Powell Jr. (Pr.) and Pauline E. Powell (Est.) to Adam R. Nelson;
South Bristol: Phoebe Ann Porter (Pr.) and Charles Talbot Porter Jr. (Est.) to Donald J. Dunham and Annette L. Giesecke;
Southport: Robert W. Horgan (Tr.), Robert W. Horgan Living Trust, and Robert W. Hogan (Tr.) to Katharine D. Horgan;
Waldoboro: Ryan T. McNelly and Jasmine L. McNelly to Donna Gilmore; Cheryl J. Kee to Jeffrey A. Kee; Phillip L. B. Bess (Tr.), Helen V. L. Bess (Tr.) and Bess Irrevocable Trust to Frederick A. Bess; Bruce A. Hendrickson, Stormie G. Hendrickson, and Brian Hendrickson to Hendrickson Roofing Inc.; Mitchell P. Ross to Hendrickson Roofing Inc.; Kay Pelletier to Nancy Winchenbach;
Whitefield: John Carter and Patrice Carter to Shawn R. Gallagher and Elizabeth Bancroft.