Sheriff Todd Brackett reports the following:
May 29, Dep. Brian Collamore was dispatched to a report of a theft of a propane regulator from a propane tank in the East Boothbay area.
May 29, Dep. Brian Collamore was dispatched to a report of a theft in the Bristol area where numerous items were taken from a garage of a residence.
May 30, Dep. Brent Barter was dispatched to a complaint of criminal mischief to an association road in the Westport area.
May 26, Scott Norwood, 22, of Boothbay, speeding, 67 mph in a posted 45 mph speed zone, River Rd., Edgecomb, Dep. Mark Bridgham.
May 26, Timothy Kindell Leeman, 17, of New Harbor, imprudent speed; operator carrying passengers beyond intermediate license restriction, Rt. 129, South Bristol, Dep. Kevin Dennison.
May 27, Gregory Collins, 17, of Nobleboro, failure to maintain control of a motor vehicle; operating a defective motor vehicle, East Pond Rd., Nobleboro, Dep. Mark Bridgham.
May 27, Nicholas Frizzle, 19, of Bowdoinham, speeding, 65 mph in a posted 55 mph speed zone, Rt. 17, Jefferson, Dep. Mark Bridgham.
May 27, Frances Stewart, 64, of Portland, speeding, 65 mph in a posted 55 mph speed zone Rt. 1, Nobleboro, Dep. Mark Bridgham.
May 27, Adam Howard, 16, of Jefferson, operator carrying passengers beyond intermediate license restriction, Rt. 126, Jefferson, Dep. Kevin Dennison.
May 27, Paul Legasse, 31, of Jefferson, failure to stop at stop sign, Village St., Jefferson, Dep. Kevin Dennison.
May 27, Jean Paul Doiron, 20, of Chelmsford, Mass., failure to stop at stop sign, Rt. 96, Boothbay Harbor, Dep. Kevin Dennison.
May 31, Jonathan Rioux, 32, of Edgecomb, failure to display an inspection sticker, Rt. 27, Boothbay Center, Sgt. Jason Nein.
May 31, Paul Hammond, 57, of Edgecomb, speeding 60 mph in a posted 40 mph speed zone, River Rd., Edgecomb, Sgt. Jason Nein.
May 31, Ellen O’Connor Swift, 64, of Bristol, speeding 44 mph in a posted 30 mph speed zone, Rte. 130, Bristol, Dep. Matthew Day.
May 31, Carrie Ames, 38, of Waldoboro, speeding 44 mph in a posted 30 mph speed zone, Rt. 130, Bristol, Dep. Matthew Day.
May 31, Zacariah Merritt, 17, of Damariscotta, speeding, 30 mph in a posted 15 mph school zone, Academy Hill Rd., Newcastle, Dep. Matthew Day.
June 1, Jacob Naegley, 32, of Palermo, speeding, 48 mph in a posted 35 mph speed zone, Upper East Pond Rd., Nobleboro, Dep. Brian Collamore.
June 2, Thomas Dugay, 47, of Boothbay, displaying an expired inspection sticker, Corey Lane, Boothbay, Sgt. Jason Nein.
June 2, Michael Rose, 40, of Boothbay Harbor, displaying an expired inspection sticker, Rt. 27, Boothbay Center, Sgt. Jason Nein.
June 2, Daniel Cervonka, 48, of East Haddam, Conn., speeding, 52 mph in a posted 35 mph speed zone, Barters Island Rd., Boothbay, Sgt. Jason Nein.
June 2, Michael Traphagen, 74, of Ocala, Fla., displaying an expired inspection sticker, Rt. 27, Boothbay, Sgt. Jason Nein.
June 2, Barbara Wilson, 27, Boothbay, operator not using seatbelt; operating after suspension, Rt. 27, Boothbay, Sgt. Jason Nein.
June 3, Raul Helmuth, 29, of Damariscotta, failure to show proof of insurance, Rt. 1, Newcastle, Sgt. Kenneth Hatch.
June 3, Anthony Marlowe, 39, of Edgecomb, failure to show proof of insurance, Main St., Newcastle, Sgt. Kenneth Hatch.
June 3, Elliott Colby, 21, of South Bristol, failure to show proof of insurance, Rt. 130, Bristol, Sgt. Kenneth Hatch.
June 3, Cassandra Beaudoin, 35, of Alna, failing to use headlights when windshield wipers are in use, Rt. 1, Newcastle, Sgt. Kenneth Hatch.
June 3, Dylan Huggins, 19, of Westport Island, failure to show proof of insurance, Rt. 1, Newcastle, Sgt. Kenneth Hatch.
June 3, Patricia Vinal, 59, of Warren, failure to show proof of insurance, Rt. 1, Newcastle, Sgt. Kenneth Hatch.
June 4, Scott R. Morgan, 33, of Pittston was issued a summons for failure to register a vehicle, on Gardiner Road, Dresden, by Dep. Scott Hayden.
May 29, David P. Clifford, 19, of Edgecomb was arrested for violating condition of release; criminal threatening with a dangerous weapon and assault (x2), on Wawenock Road, Edgecomb, by Dep. Brent Barter, who was assisted by Sgt. Jason Nein and Det. Robert McFetridge.
May 31, Nicholas J. Falabella, 48, of Newcastle was arrested for violation of a protection order, on Main Street, Newcastle, by Sgt. Daniel Sceviour on behalf of Dep. Justin Drake, who was investigating the violation charge.
June 2, Mathew Tedford, 21, of Edgecomb was arrested for violating condition of release, on Ocean Point Road, Boothbay, by Dep. Justin Drake.
June 3, Randy L. Heath, 25, of Whitefield was arrested for domestic violence assault, on Wiscasset Road, Whitefield, by Dep. Matthew Day.