Emily A. Allen, 23, Readfield, OUI (alcohol) – no test, June 6, $600, Two Bridges Regional Jail 12 days, license suspended 150 days.
Joshua Arbour, 34, Augusta, operate while license suspended or revoked, prior, July 3, $500.
Glenn A. Barbour, 31, Waldoboro, commercial shellfishing without a license, first, July 25, $100.
Stanley W. Barter, 25, Boothbay, criminal threatening, June 18, $750; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, June 18, $500.
Dustin Bibber, 26, Boothbay, use of drug paraphernalia, July 15, $300.
David Lee Blackman, 47, Edgecomb, assault, May 23, dismissed; criminal trespass, May 23, $200; violating condition of release, Aug. 15, $500; refuse to submit to arrest or detention, refuse to stop, Aug. 15, guilty.
Mark C. Brewer, 44, Boothbay, violation of gear rule, chapter 55, July 30, $250.
Stephen C. Campbell, 58, Jefferson, allowing dog to be at large, Aug. 20, $50, waived.
Olivia R. Canny, 19, Newcastle, minor possessing liquor, June 12, $200.
Benjamin Chute, 20, Nobleboro, minor transporting liquor, May 23, $250.
Gary Collamore, 69, Newcastle, unlawful sexual contact, May 20, 2013, guilty.
Alison Cook, 20, Boothbay, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, March 21; failing to make oral or written accident report, March 21, both dismissed.
Thomas Cooke, 26, Norton, Va., operate without safety equipment, Aug. 12, $100, waived.
Lee W. Court, 75, East Boothbay, class II lobster and crab fishing without license, July 6, $100.
Philip W. Cunningham, 47, Jefferson, July 11, $150.
Cody E. Davis, 21, Brunswick, OUI (alcohol), July 18, $800, license suspended 150 days.
Richard G. Dexter, 84, Southport, failure to register vehicle, July 23, $150.
Todd L. Dodge, 42, Waldoboro, commercial shellfishing without a license, first, May 24, $300.
George D. Elwell, 46, Topsham, domestic violence terrorizing, priors DV, May 26, Two Bridges Regional Jail six months.
Stephen L. Entrott, 45, Lewiston, domestic violence reckless conduct, July 16, Department of Corrections 364 days, all but two days suspended, probation two years; aggravated assault, July 16, dismissed.
Roger A. Feltis, 23, Waldoboro, shellfish harvesting license violation – personal, Aug. 18, $100.
Ryan D. Fendler, 89, Camden, failure to register vehicle, Sept. 21, $100.
David M. Fields, 51, Newcastle, failure to register vehicle, June 11, $150.
Jason Folkner, 40, Gardiner, marine worm digging without license, July 24, $100.
Joseph A. Gallagher, 60, Waldoboro, shellfish harvesting license violation – personal, July 22, $100.
David Gauthier, 57, Bristol, burning prohibited material, June 5, $100, restitution $352.80.
Paul A. Glockner, 44, Hermon, OUI (alcohol), April 12, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail 72 hours, license suspended 150 days.
Jeremy Griffin, 24, Wiscasset, commercial shellfishing without a license, first, July 29, $300.
Brandon T. Grubbs, 21, Waldoboro, OUI (alcohol), July 30, $700, license suspended 150 days.
Beth M. Hancock, 28, Nobleboro, criminal mischief, Aug. 20, $250.
Robert W. Harvey, 22, Waldoboro, shellfish harvesting license violation – personal, June 23, $100.
Jesse J. Howard, 24, Augusta, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, March 31, Two Bridges Regional Jail four months; burglary, March 31, Department of Corrections three years, all but four months suspended, probation two years, restitution $1,000.
Kevin Johnston, 36, Waldoboro, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, July 22, $250, restitution $13.40.
Timothy L. Jordan, 53, Damariscotta, use of drug paraphernalia, June 10, dismissed.
Peter Kamenstein, 71, Boothbay, Noncomm. lobster and crab fishing without license, July 31, $100.
Phillip Keller, 29, Brunswick, violating condition of release, Aug. 29, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours.
Dustin Kimball, 20, Warren, failing to make oral or written accident report, Aug. 2, $250.
Keith R. Laney II, 42, Augusta, marine worm digging without license, July 24, $200.
George Larrabee, 80, Boothbay Harbor, fail to stop, provide information, July 10, dismissed.
David S. Lockhart, 61, Pemaquid, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, July 10, $500.
Lorna E. Lothrop, 34, Damariscotta, furnish liquor to a minor, June 30, $300.
Anthony McCullagh, 22, Nobleboro, false public alarm or report, July 8, $750.
Scott Morrison, 40, Farmingdale, marine worm digging without license, July 24, $200.
Mark Murphy, 40, Boothbay, disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, June 27, Two Bridges Regional Jail 72 hours; violating protection from abuse order, June 27, dismissed.
Ethan L. Murray, 18, Newcastle, possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 ounces, June 30, dismissed; minor possessing liquor, June 30, $200.
Robert Norwood, 55, Orrs Island, engaging in activities while suspended, June 9, dismissed.
Emily Osolin, 20, Portland, use of drug paraphernalia, June 30, $300.
Derick Partin, 44, Gardiner, operating while license suspended or revoked, July 9, $250.
Katrina Pearce, 27, Boothbay, tampering with witness, informant, juror or victim, May 7, Department of Corrections two years, all but five days suspended, probation one year; tampering with witness, informant, juror or victim, May 7, dismissed.
Timothy J. Peaslee, 22, Whitefield, domestic violence assault, May 1; violating condition of release, May 1, both dismissed.
Adam Gerald Pinkham, 32, Trevett, domestic violence assault, June 10, dismissed.
Jamie A. Rudd, 32, Boothbay, assault, July 18, dismissed.
Bronson R. Simmons, 27, Rockport, fish for or take shellfish from closed area, July 14, $300; commercial shellfishing without a license, first, May 25, $200.
Joshua N. Simmons, 30, Hope, fish for or take shellfish from closed area, July 14, $300; commercial shellfishing without a license, first, May 25, $200.
Irven G. Starrett, 58, Warren, driving to endanger, May 31, $575, license suspended 60 days; OUI (alcohol), one prior, May 31, $700, Two Bridges Regional Jail 180 days, all but 14 days suspended, probation one year, license suspended three years.
Michael D. Washburn, 20, Skowhegan, failure to register vehicle, July 3, $100.
Jeremy Westhaver, 28, New Harbor, untagged lobster traps, chap. 25, June 24, $200.
Megan Wilson, 18, Tenants Harbor, operating while license suspended or revoked, July 12, $250.
Harley Winchenbach, 23, Cushing, fish for or take shellfish from closed area, prior, July 26, $500.