Gerald S. Anderson, 53, Waldoboro, commercial shellfishing without a license, first, July 29, $300.
Paul Anderson, 73, Port Charlotte, Fla., OUI (alcohol), June 11, $1,000, license suspended 150 days; loaded firearm or crossbow in motor vehicle, June 11, dismissed.
Lee Badershall, 24, Gardiner, driving to endanger, Aug. 30, $575, license suspended 30 days.
Donald Benner, 27, Walpole, violating condition of release, Aug. 15, Two Bridges Regional Jail, or TBRJ, 24 hours.
Shawn T. Brewer, 32, Waldoboro, violating condition of release, June 29; domestic violence assault, priors DV, June 29, both dismissed; violating condition of release, Aug. 27, TBRJ four months.
Benjamin H. Carroll, 19, Waldoboro, burglary, April 8, dismissed.
Joshua M. Clifford, 36, Damariscotta, disorderly conduct, loud unreasonable noise, July 13, $300; domestic violence assault, July 13, dismissed.
Jason Cloukey, 40, Wiscasset, aggravated assault, June 2, Department of Corrections five years, all but nine months suspended, probation three years.
Philip W. Cunningham, 47, Jefferson, theft by unauthorized use of property, July 11, TBRJ five months; domestic violence assault, priors DV, July 11, TBRJ five months.
James E. Farrar, 42, Bremen, violating municipal shellfish ordinance, May 27; shellfish harvesting license violation – personal, May 27, both dismissed.
Allen L. Fogg, 26, Jefferson, assault, June 30, $300, TBRJ seven days.
Heather Fontaine, 30, Brunswick, unlawful furnishing scheduled drug, June 21, dismissed; trafficking in prison contraband, June 21, TBRJ six months.
Ryan J. Gamage, 29, Owls Head, theft by deception, May 1, TBRJ six months, restitution $548.72; misuse of identification, May 1, dismissed.
Brittini Gracie, 19, Nobleboro, burglary, April 8, dismissed.
Jeremy Griffin, 24, Wiscasset, shellfish harvesting license violation – personal, Aug. 3, $500.
Paul L. Griffin Jr., 44, Waldoboro, fish for or take shellfish from closed area, July 21, $500.
Russell S. Griffin, 49, Waldoboro, violating condition of release, Sept. 29, TBRJ 24 hours; cultivating marijuana, Sept. 29, $400.
Phillip Scott Gurney, 54, Waldoboro, fail to comply sex offender reg. act, third offense, April 3, dismissed.
Arthur Gustafson, 57, Bristol, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, Aug. 30, dismissed.
Garrett M. Henry, 31, Wiscasset, operating while license suspended or revoked, Aug. 30, $250.
John H. Hepburn IV, 18, Boothbay, minor consuming liquor, Aug. 22, $200.
Matthew D. Hermon, 18, South Portland, minor possessing liquor, Aug. 17, $200.
Chasity J. Keizer, 35, Warren, OUI (alcohol), May 29, $800, license suspended 150 days; violating condition of release, May 28, $200, $200 suspended.
Nicholas S. Kilgus, 18, Boothbay, minor possessing liquor, Aug. 22, $200.
Colleen Lopes, 37, Waldoboro, OUI (alcohol), July 1, $500, TBRJ 48 hours, license suspended 150 days; violating condition of release, July 10, TBRJ 48 hours.
Jeffrey Luce, 37, Whitefield, violating condition of release, May 6, TBRJ seven days; violating protection from abuse order, May 6, TBRJ seven days; violating condition of release, April 22, TBRJ six months; violating condition of release, April 22, TBRJ six months; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, priors, April 22, TBRJ five years, all but eight months suspended, probation two years, restitution $1,587.22; misuse of identification, April 22, TBRJ eight months; violating protection from abuse order, April 22, TBRJ eight months; forgery, April 4, 2014, TBRJ four years, six months, all but 60 days suspended, probation two years, restitution $1,587.22; burglary, April 4, 2014, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, priors, April 4, 2014, TBRJ four years, six months, all but 60 days suspended, probation two years, restitution $1,587.22.
Patrick M. Murphy, 22, Augusta, criminal mischief, July 4, dismissed.
Robert Norwood, 55, Orrs Island, Class I lobster and crab fishing without license, June 9, $500.
Alexander Pedroza, 22, Bath, use of drug paraphernalia, Aug. 23, $300.
Christopher J. Robinson, 43, Waldoboro, possess softshell clams less than two inches 10-20 percent, Aug. 7, $100.
Christopher D. Schisler, 38, Rockland, unlawful sexual touching, June 21, TBRJ 364 days, all but 60 days suspended, probation one year.
Jacob S. Snyder, 29, Newcastle, OUI (alcohol), May 15, $500, TBRJ 48 hours, license suspended 150 days.
Tony D. Thurman, 48, Edgecomb, operating while license suspended or revoked, June 28, $250.
Alexander M. Weatherby, 22, Edgecomb, OUI (alcohol), July 9, $500, TBRJ 72 hours, license suspended 150 days.
Christopher Weeks, 28, Jefferson, operate/permit operation unregistered motorboat, July 19, $200.
James A. Whitcomb, 38, Wiscasset, other operator commercial fishing without license, July 18, $300.
Dale B. Witham, 57, Bremen, shellfish harvesting license violation – commercial, May 27, dismissed.
Casandra M. Wyman, 34, Waldoboro, negotiate a worthless instrument, May 18, $200.