Phyllis Lockhart and Robert Ives are happy to announce their engagement. They have been living across the Pemaquid River from one another, on the east and west sides respectively, for some time.
Lockhart helps nonprofit social service agencies raise funds for capital projects, and is currently on staff at the Boothbay Region YMCA. She was born and raised in New Jersey, graduated from New Jersey University and lived in Boston, Dallas and Hartford before finding her way home to Maine in 1999. She has spent every summer of her life with her family on the Pemaquid Harbor Road.
The Reverend Ives is director of the Carpenter’s Boat Shop, which just celebrated its 30th anniversary of building boats, nurturing lives and serving others. He co-founded the boat shop with his wife Ruth who died in 2006. Their daughter Hilda lives in Brunswick with husband Peter and children Simone and Ian. Son Jonathan is an instructor at the boat shop in Pemaquid. Daughter Hannah also resides in Pemaquid and works for New Hope for Women.
An August wedding is planned.