Warm weather has finally arrived, and Mainers are enjoying the fresh Maine air.
Maine law now prohibits smoking in all outdoor eating areas. This law applies to all outdoor eating establishments where food and drink is served to the public for consumption on the premises, including restaurants, bars, and snack bars.
The law, which took effect last Sept. 12, 2009, makes Maine the third state in the country to prohibit smoking in such outdoor dining areas.
“Smoke-free laws clear the air and help protect restaurant and bar employees as well as patrons from secondhand smoke,” said Rebecca Morin, Healthy Lincoln County Director.
Secondhand smoke is a known cause of lung cancer, heart disease, low birth-weight in infants, and chronic lung ailments such as bronchitis and asthma (particularly in children), as well as other health complications.
Exposure to secondhand smoke has been estimated to result in at least 38,000 annual deaths in the United States and over 1 million illnesses in children.
The statewide legislation was modeled after Portland’s ordinance that created smoke-free cafe patios, decks and other outdoor dining areas, and assures that outdoor dining areas will be smoke-free during all operating hours. It expands upon the indoor smoke-free restaurant and bar laws already in effect in Maine.
Maine restaurant and bar owners are becoming increasingly supportive of smoke-free laws recognizing these laws can have a positive impact on not only public health and their employees’ well-being, but also the health of their business.
In fact, numerous local and nationwide studies show that smoke-free laws do not hurt restaurant profits and instead, such laws often produce positive economic impacts.
To help inform Mainers and visitors of these ordinances, the Partnership For A Tobacco-Free Maine is distributing free laminated signs and static clings through the local Healthy Maine Partnerships.
An information brochure has been designed and is available on the web at www.tobaccofreemaine.org/channels/workplaces/workplace_laws.php.
Restaurants that are interested in receiving free “Smoke-Free Area” signs to post at their businesses, should contact Rebecca Morin at Healthy Lincoln County, the local Healthy Maine Partnership, at 563-6123.