Over 850 walkers trekked though Damariscotta Oct. 16 to raise money for research to help prevent breast cancer in the “14th Annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk.” Over $105,000 was raised through donations and pledges.
According to American Cancer Society representative Crystal Derocher, the total will be higher when all the pledges are collected.
“Last year this walk raised $85,000. We have way exceeded that already this year,” Derocher said. Proceeds from the three-mile walk support The American Cancer Society’s breast cancer research, education and patient services programs.
Teams of walkers united in support of the cause in memory of those lost to the disease and in celebration of survivors. The 65 survivors who joined in the walk were presented gold medals on pink ribbons.
“The best gift is seeing all these people supporting research,” said Jennifer Lowe, a visitor and survivor from Lowell, Mass. “We drove up to see the leaves and we found this amazing group of people.”
Businesses, families and friends banded together, often with unusual, differentiating attire. One group “Toni’s Tata Troope” donned fluorescent pink wings and walked with, and in honor of, Miller School’s Toni Campbell.
Tim Spear and his family walked to support his mother Andrea Spear.
The First Bank, Miles In Motion, Miles Home Health, Denture Designs and dozens more participated, often with survivors and those currently in treatment in their ranks.
Since the first walk in 1993, nearly 7 million walkers have raised more than $400 million to help fight breast cancer through participating in the noncompetitive, 3- to 5-mile events nationwide. In 2010 alone, nearly 800,000 walkers across the country collected more than $60 million for the cause.
After the walk, refreshments were served at a reception held in the parking lot of The First to live music played by Eddy and The Skidders.