May 19, well! Here is about maybe half of me, coming to you, with more of our assisted living news from Crawford Commons here in Union.
It is a dark, cloudy, rainy, chilly day. I suppose it is time for some rain, where we have had a few days of warm sunshine. My sweetheart and I are both still quite ill with this flu-like bug, which has hit just about everyone including residents and some of the helpers too. A lot of coughing and sneezing going on, making everyone very tired and some sleepy. The bug sure has bit hard here. It doesn’t seem to want to die, huh?
I’ve been on antibiotics and prednisone since last Wednesday morning, when I finally received them. Oh, I was so ill. It was such a struggle to breathe. If it hadn’t been for the air conditioner and fan and strong cough syrup, I thought it surely was going to put me in the hospital I also had to sit my hospital bed up straight. I haven’t been able to lay down for a number of years.
Anyway, I didn’t want to go to the hospital, but a lot of them have been going, right up into this week. One or two still there. As I say to them here, we was sick all winter, I didn’t think it was going into the spring too, but the weather as we know is so unusual.
The cold winter seems to have sent a chill into the spring. It started warming up real nice. There were two or three days when the temp went up quite high, then comes down to a chill again. The nights do get cool outside here. The heat hasn’t been shut off here yet but I did get the maintenance man, Robert, so caring and kind, to turn ours off this morning. No sense to have heat on when we need air in the room, uh huh! Now it’s more comfortable.
Yesterday, May 18, one of the nice drivers Charlie of Sterling Transfer here in town took us to see our primary physician on our usual 1:30 p.m. Monday appointment. Sweet Registered Nurse Jess treated and redressed my sweetheart’s right foot wound.
That longtime ordeal is really progressing right along and they all are so happy there, as well as the Wound Center in Boothbay Harbor, last Friday, May 15. There they have cut his appointments down to every two weeks. It sure has made his loving wife happy too.
You are sure of that I know, ha ha. Kind and caring driver friend Dean of Sterling took us down there that day.
Going back to yesterday, kind and caring Dr. John Dickens checked out my sweetheart, being he’s still not feeling well with this flu bug. The doctor thought Elden was getting better and would be okay. My lungs are still so wheezy and noisy. That’s a concern with my already bad lungs. He said he would have to put me on more prednisone. He said I would need to be rechecked again soon.
On Sunday, May 17, the For All The Glory Baptist Church was here after lunch. We sang beautiful hymns from the gorgeous red hymnal they brought with them. The young lady accompanied us beautifully on her keyboard. Lou, her father, was back after being so ill about the same thing we’ve all are having here. His wife had someone home ill so she couldn’t come. Lou gave the message and Larry spoke a few works also.
When we sang the hymns today, I didn’t know if my voice would let me sing but both my sweetheart and I could feel our sweet Lord’s presence so we know He helped us sing in glory for Him.
It is wonderful, what our dear Lord can do for us. Before and after the church was over, they all smiled and shook hands with us, said some kind of encouraging words for our benefit.
They were so happy how their prayers have been answered about Elden’s right foot wound. They had prayer again. They pray for both of us here at their church and at their homes. We are so pleased we have a church group coming in every two weeks as we meet them.
We still want Pastor Robert Bellows and his wife Debbie and family and our friends of the congregation to continue to know we still love you all there, but where we can’t get to church this church helps out. We know you all understand and by the way if anyone there who would like to visit if they get that chance, you are welcome up and see us. Our home is on 132 Middle Rd., here in Union.
After the church left Sunday, we came back to our room. My sweetheart was put to bed with the Hoyer lift for a nap.
I laid and wrote and watched a Souls Harbor DVD of Sunday, April 26 with Pastor Rick Libby of Corinth. What a nice singing and he gave us a nice sermon. Such an uplifting program, as usual.
I believe it was on Friday or Saturday last week, sweet Terry came to work, helping taking care of the residents. She will continue to be med tech on Thursday nights and work a couple days a week helping the residents on the floor. We are so happy she returned.
One day last week our cook Krystal left. We were surprised and sad. Some others here had some drawn faces about it as well.
So now our other kind and caring cook is Ray, but on Sunday Christine came in so Ray could have that day off.
Tuesday, May 19, sweet Linda who does housekeeping here cooked breakfast and lunch as it is Ray’s day off again. Someone was going to cook supper, or dinner as it is called here, but we don’t know who yet as of this writing.
My sweetheart was put to bed after lunch for a nap. I’m on my bed, writing, and my break like most always, is to read some Christian material.
I changed the batteries in two lighted candles and a pair of angels that lights up.
Yesterday, Monday, May 18, late morning, the sweet girl from the animal shelter in Thomaston brought a pretty white cat and a white rabbit: both such darlings. I held the cat. She cuddled to me. Trisket loved me as much as I loved him. Both my sweetheart and I are cat lovers.
At lunch, sweet Holly came to our table for our list and Monday. She was going to the Common Market for items that we and other residents wanted or needed.
After 4 today, sweet Tara and sweet Holly came in to get my sweetheart up from his nap and we went to the dining room for the last meal of the day. It was the worker, sweet Amy, who cooked the delicious meal.
Kind and caring Darren came in late morning. He had found out that Elden’s eye surgeon appointment has been changed from June 1 to May 27 which is better for us.
Well folks, my dear readers, God bless you all. Take care. We pray God’s presence upon you all. Be looking for Marilyn Beane’s World next week.