One of the things Miles Hospitalist Dr. Matthew Weaver enjoys most about practicing hospital medicine is the relationship he develops with patients and their families.
“In a hospital I get to know patients better. I develop a rapport with patients and help them make decisions,” said Dr. Weaver, who joined Miles Memorial Hospital this spring.
A hospitalist is a physician who specializes in treatment of the often-complex conditions found in a hospital setting. Miles hospitalists provide 24-hour coverage so patients always have access to specialists who can respond to changes in their condition, track test results or meet with family members.
Hospitalists also orchestrate care by working with a team of other providers. The team-oriented approach is another aspect of the specialty that Dr. Weaver enjoys.
“Everybody is there to help. We are all there for the same purpose whether you are a nurse, a phlebotomist or a doctor,” he said.
After graduating from college with a degree in chemistry and Russian Language & Culture, Dr. Weaver spent one year working for one of Maine’s largest logging companies and another working with a small family owned business that specialized in sustainable harvesting for alternative markets.
It was only after he witnessed the difficulty a friend faced after getting injured in a logging accident that he considered a new career. Dr. Weaver’s friend went to the hospital after suffering serious back injuries and was eventually discharged with unresolved issues and no clear idea of his options.
That experience helped Dr. Weaver understand the role doctors play as advocates for their patients. Training and intelligence are important, said Dr. Weaver, but being a strong advocate for one’s patients is also vital.
Dr. Weaver was drawn to Lincoln County after being impressed with the natural beauty of the area while visiting friends in Bristol. After talking to doctors at Miles, he knew the hospital would be a good fit.
“The metrics they use to measure success told me they really care about their patients,” he said.
Dr. Weaver and his wife, Lena, are now putting their own finishing touches on a house in Newcastle they recently purchased. They have two horses and four cats.
Dr. Weaver enjoys woodworking, including harvesting the timber, milling the lumber and designing furniture. Lena enjoys participating in equestrian events, fishing and quilting.