The Miles Memorial Hospital League Rummage Sale has been rescheduled for late October, MMHL president Ruth Anne Bryant announced this week.
Originally scheduled for Aug. 14-16, MMHL planners were forced to reschedule the popular fundraiser due to the wet conditions of the Chapman field, which has hosted the event for the last several years.
With the frequent and often heavy rainfall this summer, the field is currently in no condition to host the event.
The new date for the Rummage Sale is Thurs.-Sat., Oct. 22, 23 and 24, Bryant said. Other than the new dates, all other features of the sale remain unchanged, Bryant said. The hours of operation remains the same as previous years, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Oct. 22 and 23, 8 a.m. to noon Oct. 24.
Volunteer set up day is Oct. 17, Bryant said.
Currently the rummage sale organizers are looking for additional space to store donated items for the sale. “We are in need of storage space,” Bryant said. “We are full, the barn is full. The drop off is full. The trailers are full. What we are picking up after next week is next year’s sale stuff.”
Anyone with any available space for temporary storage is invited to call 563-6083.
Anyone who would like to make a donation but needs their donation picked up is invited to call the donation hotline at 563-4379.
In addition to more storage space, more volunteers are always welcome, Bryant said. “We do need storage space and we need people to help us set up; we need manpower,” Bryant said,
Anyone who would like to volunteer for the sale is invited to call 563-1331 and leave a message, Bryant said.
“There won’t be a call back unless its necessary but badges will be made up and they can pick it up when they come on the field,” Bryant said.
The drop off on Belvedere Road, which is currently closed, will reopen for business Mon., Aug. 10.