A Medomak Valley High School student is charged with possession of a firearm on school property after a shotgun and ammunition were recovered from his vehicle on the grounds of the Waldoboro school Feb. 23.
According to a joint statement from Waldoboro Police Chief Bill Labombarde and RSU 40 Supt. Frank Boynton, the firearm is a type commonly used for bird hunting. The weapon was never displayed or taken out of the vehicle, nor was any student or faculty member ever at risk, according to Labombarde and Boynton.
Labombarde demurred discussing the specifics of the case, citing the school’s jurisdiction and the age of the juvenile, but he noted this appears to be more a case of forgetfulness than a deliberate criminal act.
“I can assure you there was no malicious intent with that firearm,” Labombarde said.
The weapon and ammunition were removed from the school grounds immediately and taken as evidence to the Waldoboro Police Dept. by School Resource Officer Thomas Hoepner.
Labombarde and Hoepner are investigating the incident for the Waldoboro Police Department. The high school administration is investigating the incident for MSAD #40.
The student is described as a male juvenile. The charge, Possession of a Firearm on Public School Property, is a Class “E” crime in Maine.