Voters in RSU 40 will have to meet again Thursday, June 12 to correct some figures in one budget article adopted at the district’s budget meeting held May 27.
Article 13, which outlines, among other items, the amounts each of the district’s five towns would raise to fund the state’s Essential Programs and Services model for K-12 education, was incorrectly printed in the district’s budget booklet, according to RSU 40 Business Manager Karla Miller.
The booklet’s figures were read aloud and adopted at the budget meeting instead of the correct figures printed on the actual warrant, Miller said.
“Mistakenly, in the budget booklet, the warrant article 13 for local assessments used the state subsidy printout for how much we were going to assess each town, and that’s what was read at the budget meeting,” Miller said. The actual warrant correctly included local assessments that had gone through the district’s cost-sharing formula, she said.
Article 13 will be the only one considered at the June 12 budget adoption meeting, scheduled for 7 p.m. at Medomak Valley High School.
The corrected amounts proposed to be raised locally are Friendship, $1,484,336.29; Union, $1,691,492.47; Waldoboro, $3,932,087.71; Warren, $3,020,773.69; Washington, $1,116,974.53.
The total amount raised by the towns has not changed: $11,245,653.44.
The referendum vote to validate the adopted budget has also changed. The new referendum will be held on Wednesday, June 18.
Polling places (at the various town offices) will be open in Waldoboro and Friendship from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and in Union, Warren, and Washington from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., according to Miller.