Starting Nov. 24, drivers speeding on the Bristol Road coming into Damariscotta will be greeted by a frowning face and their speed flashing.
A sign that displays the number in flashing lights and frowns at speeding drivers also records the vehicle’s speed and the time of day. The sign will be in the Bristol Road’s 25 mph zone, two utility poles after the 25 mph sign is posted.
“The Damariscotta Police Department has received multiple complaints and has written multiple tickets for that zone,” Damariscotta Police Chief Ron Young said. “One officer alone had 19 tickets in 15 days.”
The frowning speed limit sign will collect data which will tell the police department the best time for patrols.
“I’m big on giving warnings, flashing my cruiser’s lights, just letting drivers know I’m aware, but it’s not working in that area. If you’re speeding, you will get pulled over,” Young said.
According to Young, the average traffic stop takes 10-15 minutes to clear, and while the police car is around, people will slow down. Once the stop is over, the speeding traffic picks back up.
People living on the road are concerned for their safety and the safety of their families.
Chris Cash is one of the complainants who lives on Bristol Road.
“It’s not just speeding, it’s excessive. Drivers have driven over 50 miles an hour in the 25 mile per hour zone,” Cash said.