Newcastle voters elected a first-time candidate to the board of selectmen and reelected another in municipal voting June 10. Both races were unopposed.
Incumbent selectman Ben Frey was elected to a second term with 130 votes. First-time candidate Carolyn Hatch won her first term on the board with 125 votes.
One hundred sixty-five voters cast ballots in the election
In other decisions, Newcastle voters approved the Great Salt Bay Community School education budget, 113 to 45 in a validation referendum. The Newcastle share of the budget is $1,868,441, a $147,254 or 8.56 percent increase over the current fiscal year.
Budget items prompting the increase include regular education, special education and transportation. Regular education increased $153,184 due to the restoration of one gifted/talented teaching position from half time to full time, an increase in health insurance and the mandatory teacher retirement payment.
Special education increased $53,388 due to shifting a social work position from regular education to special education where services are being received. Transportation increased $59,714, which includes $50,000 in funds for potential lease/purchase of two buses spread over two years.
Voters also approved a $789,333 budget for Newcastle’s secondary education budget 113-44. A total of 158 ballots were cast on the two referendum questions
Ballots recorded for the two referendum questions totaled 158.