The Newcastle Fire Company has received a $25,000 grant from the Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation.
According to Newcastle Fire Chief Clayton Huntley, the award is one of a handful of grants the company has submitted recently.
“We are still awaiting word on three other grants,” Huntley said.
According to Huntley, the King Foundation grant will be used to make the final $25,545 payment on the company’s existing utility truck.
“(Then) the only thing we have left outstanding is a small debt on the antique pumper,” he said. “Other than that all the responding equipment is bought and paid for.”
Among the other applications still pending is one for a $298,000 Federal Emergency Management Agency grant, which if approved will be used to fund the purchase of a new fire engine, Huntley said.
To date there is no word on the FEMA grant. According to Huntley, that indicates Newcastle is still in the running for the award. “No news is good news,” he said.