Kenneth Neild Jr., 18, Waldoboro, falsifying physical evidence on July 10 in Rockland, 48 hours in jail; OUI, four days in jail, 90-day license suspension, $600; operating while license suspended or revoked, $500.
Karyn S. Lie-Nielsen, 60, Waldoboro, domestic violence assault on July 25 in Warren, dismissed; disorderly conduct on July 25, $500.
Dean A. Chatagnier, 45, Alna, Aug. 12, violating condition of release and operating while license suspended or revoked, jury trial requested on both counts.
Michael Allen, 24, Jefferson, violating a condition of release, two days in jail.
Glen Fortier, 45, Newcastle, Aug. 9, attaching false plates, $100, by waiver.
Joshua J. Louwers, 20, Wiscasset, Aug. 21, operating under the influence, jury trial requested.
Joshua Kidder, 21, Dresden, May 8, furnishing liquor to a minor, dismissed, pleaded to another charge; sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $300; possession of marijuana, $350; minor consuming liquor, $200.
Dustin Campbell, 26, Waldoboro, violating a condition of release, 72 hours in jail.