The Department of Marine Resources issued an update, Feb. 8 for the northern shrimp season.
According to a notice at, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Northern Shrimp Section voted to increase trawl fishing days by two per week until the fishery closes. Closure will happen when 85 percent of the total allowable catch is projected to be reached. Accordingly, DMR Commissioner Patrick Keliher amended specifications to allow shrimp trawlers to fish on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, effective immediately, until further notice.
The ASMFC action was based on observed low landings since the start of the northern shrimp trawl season and the “desire to provide trawl fishermen with greater flexibility and safer access to the resource,” the notice said. Landings will continue to be monitored closely to prevent quota overages. The trawl fishery quota remains at 539 metric tons as set on December 3, 2012.
The change in trawl fishing days will not impact the trap fishery’s quota of 80 metric tons or the days trappers are allowed to fish.
The commissioner amended the hours for the trawl fishery to allow fishing from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. only. This adjustment follows the recommendations of Marine Patrol, in order to decrease the potential for gear conflict.
For more information, contact DMR Policy Development Specialist Chris Vonderweidt at 624-6558.