Veterans’ Day, it is called today, but to us older folks it continues to be Armistice Day. Nov. 11, when on the eleventh month, of the eleventh day and eleventh hour, the armistice was signed, ending World War I, and supposedly ending all wars.
It did that for a very few short years, when World War II broke out, involving most of the world’s nations. There have been other conflicts too over the years. Today, we are involved in Afghanistan. So as we now reflect, the armistice did not end all wars.
The price we pay as a nation is increasing daily, with nightly reports of casualties, wounded or killed in action.
Hundreds of thousands of this nation’s finest young men and women lie now on foreign soil. Today, we return the fallen home to their families.
As a nation, and especially this government, we must stand firm, by providing the finest modern equipment and support, for those whom we have sent to do this nation’s bidding.
When returning home, those men and women of our military must be given the honor and recognition they well deserve. They endured the hardships and sacrifice in our place, we who sent them to do this nation’s work.
Keep our nation’s men and women serving in the military in prayers.
God bless the United States of America.