Regional School Unit 40 Business and Facilities Manager for Scott Wyman is leaving his position for another job closer to home.
The RSU’s board of directors accepted Wyman’s resignation during their Oct. 4 meeting. The resignation will be effective Fri., Nov. 2.
RSU 40 includes the towns of Waldoboro, Friendship, Warren, Union and Washington.
In a letter to Supt. Susan Pratt and board Chairman Danny Jackson, Wyman said he has received an offer for a position in Southern Maine, near to his home and daughter in Cumberland. Wyman’s resignation will leaves open two positions, unless a candidate can be found who can serve as both business and facilities manager.
“Opportunity presents itself in our lives that must not be ignored,” Wyman wrote. “That opportunity came to me in the last few weeks.”
Wyman’s resignation came on the heels of a controversy involving Pratt’s presentation of a draft strategic plan that was in large part copied, without attribution, from that of RSU 21 in Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel.
At the start of the Oct. 4 meeting three members of the public addressed the board, requesting they take action in response to that controversy.
The board also voted on a plan for the Many Flags, One Community concept that would create a regional board to oversee the creation of an integrated secondary and post-secondary education system serving RSU 13, RSU 40, the Five-Town Community School District, the Mid-Coast School of Technology and schools on the nearby islands of Penobscot Bay. The project’s ultimate goal is to create, on one campus, a Regional High School, a Career and Technical Education School, a Higher Education Center, and an Industry Center of Excellence that would serve students in grades 9-16 as well as adult learners.
After a lengthy discussion, that proposal was rejected, with eight members of the RSU 40 board voting against the plan and six voting in favor. Under the weighted voting system that provides proportional representation to the voters of the district, the vote count was 522-381 against participating in Many Flags, On Community’s current plan.
The Lincoln County News will continue to follow these developments.