Senator David Trahan (R-Waldoboro) is very pleased to announce that Lincoln County is one of the largest beneficiaries of Maine DOT’s newly released paving plan. DOT’s new Maintenance Surface Treatment (MST) plan has funds for just over 600 miles of paving across the state, and 50 of those miles are in Lincoln County.
Paving is scheduled for Bremen, Damariscotta, Edgecomb, Jefferson, Newcastle and Nobleboro.
Notable areas include eight miles on the Biscay and Turner Roads in Bremen and Damariscotta which Trahan called, “all but impassable at this point.”
Rep. Jon McKane (R-Newcastle) who toured the area with MDOT Commissioner Cole this past fall said he was sure that “our ride down the Biscay Road showed the Commissioner just how dire the need is for maintenance paving in our part of the state.”
MDOT has a stated annual goal of 600 miles of paving. Earlier budgets submitted by the DOT fell far short of that goal, supporting the majority Democrats’ call for an increased gas tax.
“I am very pleased that MDOT was able to rework its budget to put more money into the paving which is so critical to moving goods and our people safely across the state,” said Trahan. “This paving will not only make our roads safer, but it will put people back to work this summer, all without raising the gas tax.”
Bremen: Turner Road, 3.0 miles
Damariscotta: School Street, 0.9 miles
Edgecomb: Eddy Road, 1.6 miles
Jefferson: State Rt. 215, 2.5 miles
Newcastle/Jefferson: State Rt. 213, 9.4 miles
Nobleboro/Jefferson: E. Pond Rd., 11.7 miles