There are currently no leads and no suspects in a mid-December burglary and theft at the Pemaquid Hotel at Pemaquid Point, according to Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Brendan Kane.
“Someone went in and cut off a bunch of pipes in the hotel,” Kane said. “They maybe stole $20 worth of pipes, but it cost a couple thousand dollars of damage to the hotel.”
Kane said the Duggan family, who owns the seasonal hotel, went into the building in late December and discovered the missing metal pipes.
“The Duggans were the ones who called in the theft,” Kane said. “I responded to the scene Dec. 30.”
According to Kane, a certain kind of criminal commits this sort of theft.
“These criminals take their loot to scrap yards and recycling places, where they are paid pennies on the pound,” Kane said. “The value they’re getting out of stuff is so low compared to the damage they’re leaving behind.”
The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating the case and calling various recycling places in the county.