Heather Alliscot, 28, Damariscotta, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours.
Eric Austin, 34, Roxbury, criminal mischief, dismissed.
Richard Austin, 32, Waldoboro, possession of marijuana, $350.
Jessica Joan Baker, 14, Damariscotta, possession tobacco products by minor, $100.
Buffy M. Belyea, 36, Whitefield, theft of services, restitution $39.25.
Dustin Bibber, 21, Boothbay Harbor, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail six days; minor consuming liquor, $200.
Kimberlee C. Blair, 39, Dresden, operating while license suspended or revoked, $250.
Vern Bosworth, 49, Newcastle, possess softshell clams less than two inches 10-20 percent, $100.
Heather Brewer, 19, Boothbay Harbor, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail five days.
William R. Brewer, 19, Newcastle, minor transporting liquor, $100; possession of marijuana, $350; sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $300.
Stephanie E. Brownell, 23, Waldoboro, operating under the influence, one prior, $500, license suspended 90 days.
Abigail Cameron, 22, Whitefield, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days.
Roger Campbell, 31, Wiscasset, violating condition of release, transferred to jury trial.
Bradley Churchill, 19, Alna, criminal mischief, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours, restitution $3375.75.
Jason S. Clary, 27, Gardiner, operating under the influence, $500, license suspended 90 days.
Daniel D. Colpritt, 31, Boothbay Harbor, possession of marijuana, $350.
Vincent J. Costanzo, 54, Sabattus, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, transferred to jury trial.
Martin J. Cunic, 50, Derry, N.H., assault, no sentence imposed.
Carl A. Davis, 49, Wiscasset, cultivating marijuana, $200.
Dustin Wayne Day, 20, Waldoboro, minor consuming liquor, $350.
Christopher Dighton, 19, Alna, minor possessing liquor, $200.
Kurt Donovan, 41, Boothbay, violating condition of release; failing to stop for officer, both dismissed.
Kimberly Duffy, 43, Boothbay Harbor, violating protective order, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days.
William J. Durgan, 42, Boothbay, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident; failing to make oral or written accident report; false public alarm or report; reckless conduct, all transferred to jury trial.
Terry Elwell, 33, Damariscotta, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 14 days.
Myles M. Felch, 20, Union, minor consuming liquor, $200.
Nancy Fitzgerald, 51, Egg Harbor Township, N.J., operating under the influence, dismissed.
Ethan Garceau, 19, Wiscasset, minor having liquor on person, $200.
Troy A. Giroux, 40, Alna, allow minor to possess or consume liquor, $1000, Two Bridges Regional Jail 40 hours.
William C. Hackett, 29, Boothbay, possession of marijuana, $350.
Donna L. Hartzog, 46, Rumford, operating while license suspended or revoked, transferred to jury trial.
Harry H. Hilton, 55, Wiscasset, operating while license suspended or revoked, $250; motor vehicle speeding 30 plus mph over speed limit, Two Bridges Regional Jail 14 days; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 30 days; harassment, Two Bridges Regional Jail 30 days; harassment, Two Bridges Regional Jail 30 days; three counts of violating condition of release, all dismissed; refusing to sign criminal summons, dismissed.
Rebecca Rose Holbrook, 20, Woolwich, operate vehicle without license – cond/restric, $300.
John P. Jacques Jr., 61, Whitefield, domestic violence assault, dismissed.
John L. Kern, 19, Merrimac, Mass., minor transporting liquor, $200, license suspended 30 days.
Alexandria K. Landi, 19, Union, permit unlawful use, transferred to jury trial.
Leroy A. Leavitt, 24, Union, assault, transferred to jury trial.
Nicholas A. MacPhee, 21, Bristol, allow minor to possess or consume liquor, Two Bridges Regional Jail 21 days; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 21 days; minor consuming liquor, $200; possession of marijuana, $350; minor consuming liquor, $200.
Katherine R. Meuse, 18, Newcastle, minor having liquor on person, $200.
Duncan B. Morrell, 37, violating of watercraft rules, $100.
William T. Music Jr., 33, Waldoboro, operating under the influence, one prior, $700, Two Bridges Regional Jail 21 days, license suspended three years; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, dismissed.
Donald W. Oyster, 20, Wiscasset, minor having liquor on person, $200.
Stacy A. Parker, 31, Woolwich, operating while license suspended or revoked, $250.
Melissa A. Peaslee, 33, Somerville, littering, $100.
Hope M. Penn, 37, Waterville, operating while license suspended or revoked, $250; attaching false plates, $200.
Gina E. Perry, 50, Southport, criminal trespass, $150.
Matthew G. Pinkham, 30, Portland, operating under the influence, one prior, transferred to jury trial.
Morlan G. Pinkham, 25, Boothbay, operate ATV on public way, $150.
Bernardine Pozerycki, 42, Waldoboro, endangering the welfare of a child; operating under the influence, both transferred to jury trial.
Stephen Michael Rice, 16, Nobleboro, possession tobacco products by minor, $300.
Carrie L. Robertson, 27, Dresden, operate while license suspended or revoked, prior, $500.
Kelly M. Roche, 17, Lexington, minor having liquor on person, dismissed.
Kyle Russell, 23, Newcastle, operate vehicle without license, $200.
Kyle Russell, 23, Wiscasset, unsworn falsification, $500.
Logan A. Russell, 19, Bath, minor having liquor on person, $200.
Brian Simmons, 17, Damariscotta, attaching false plates, $150; possession of tobacco products by minor, $100.
Claire Turner, 18, Warren, failure to register vehicle, $150.
Robert W. Van Brunt, 55, Wiscasset, operating under the influence, one prior, $700, Sagadahoc County Jail six months all but ten days suspended, probation one year, license suspended three years.
Gage Wahlstrom, 16, Wiscasset, driving to endanger, $575, license suspended 30 days.
Billie-Jo Weeks, 32, Boothbay, criminal trespass, Two Bridges Regional Jail 96 hours; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 96 hours.
Morgan P. White, 21, Newcastle, violating condition of release, transferred to jury trial.
Brent A. Willey, 35, Bristol, burn without permit, $200, restitution $175.
Brian J. Witt, 20, Stafford, N.J., minor consuming liquor, $200.
Amos M. Wolven, 20, Washington, minor having liquor on person, $200.
Alex A. Wood, 18, Windsor, minor having liquor on person, $200.
Savannah Wotton, 19, Waldoboro, minor consuming liquor, $200.
Edison Young, 21, South Bristol, operate without safety equipment, $100.