Robert Blanchard, 62, Bristol, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500.
Kurt Brackett, 22, Newcastle, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, $200.
Zachary Bullock, 18, Hampden, possession of marijuana, up to 1 ¼ oz., $350.
Jennifer Elaine Campbell, 35, Rockland, driving to endanger, $575; operating under the influence, one prior, $700.
Wendy L. Collins, 41, Rockport, possession of marijuana, up to 1 ¼ oz., $350; sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $300.
Robert M. Dardis, 21, Bremen, domestic violence criminal threatening, transferred to jury trial.
Carroll Demmons, 39, Waldoboro, domestic violence stalking; criminal trespass; harassment, all transferred to jury trial.
Michael Dunning, 20, Westport Island, domestic violence assault, Two Bridges Regional Jail 20 days, probation partially revoked.
Michael Alexander Dunning, 20, Wiscasset, endangering the welfare of a child, dismissed; protective order from harassment violation, Two Bridges Regional Jail 20 days; assault, dismissed.
Candace Linda Faller, 38, Rockland, operating under the influence, no test, transferred to jury trial.
Howard L. Friant III, 23, Boothbay Harbor, possession of marijuana, up to 1 ¼ oz., $350; sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $300.
Kimberli Gipson, 30, Auburn, operating under the influence, $500.
Christopher E. Hersom, 50, Damariscotta, domestic violence assault, Two Bridges Regional Jail 364 days, all but 30 days suspended, probation two years.
John M. Jarrett, 57, Boothbay Harbor, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours.
Tara Johnson, 54, Newcastle, operate vehicle without license – cond/restric, dismissed.
Tara Leach, 27, Islesboro, operating under the influence; refusing to submit to arrest or detention, phys. force; violating condition of release, all transferred to jury trial.
Megan J. Marston, 24, Boothbay, operating under the influence, transferred to jury trial.
Fred A. Nelson, 56, Edgecomb, cultivating marijuana, $750.
Joey L. Peaslee, 29, Somerville, violating condition of release; cultivating marijuana, both dismissed.
William T. Rain, 30, Dallas, Tex., operating under the influence, $500.
Nicholas Robbins, 19, Newcastle, criminal mischief, $200.
Gregory Bruce Roy, 42, Gardiner, burn without permit, $50.
Dana A. Russell, 39, Bristol, criminal threatening; criminal mischief; disorderly conduct, loud unreasonable noise, all transferred to jury trial.
William P. Saucier, 36, Jefferson, motor vehicle speeding 30 plus mph over speed limit, $500.
Joel Smith, 24, Boothbay Harbor, domestic violence assault, transferred to jury trial.
Mathew C. Tedford, 19, Edgecomb, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail three days.
Patrick A. Thayer Jr., 21, Whitefield, disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures; assault; domestic violence assault, all transferred to jury trial.
Raoul Tshiyuka, 17, Bangor, operate vehicle without license, $200.
Erica L. Wallace, 27, Waldoboro, negotiating a worthless instrument, $100, restitution $48.23.
Kevin E. Walter, 48, Rockport, possession of marijuana, up to 1 ¼ oz., $350; sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $300.
Samuel J. Wilcox, 23, Cumberland Center, criminal trespass, transferred to jury trial.
Maitland R. Williams, 28, Bremen, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail nine days.
Aaron J. Witt, 27, Boothbay Harbor, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, dismissed; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail five days.
Bradley M. Worrell, 23, Jefferson, carrying concealed weapon, transferred to jury trial.