Vernon W. Bosworth Jr., 51, South Bristol, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; criminal mischief, both transferred to jury trial.
Robert Lee Campbell, 26, Trevett, night hunting, $1000, Two Bridges Regional Jail three days.
David K. Chubbuck, 38, Wiscasset, domestic violence assault; cruelty to animals, both transferred to jury trial.
James R. Clark, 35, Wiscasset, domestic violence assault, Two Bridges Regional Jail 364 days all suspended, probation two years.
Courtney E. Costa, 18, Union, minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.
Gary Davis, 61, Damariscotta, operating after habitual offender revocation, transferred to jury trial.
Steven Dumas, 48, Whitefield, burn without permit, $150; burning prohibited material, $150.
Raymond P. Eastman, 50, Bristol, possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 oz., $350.
Alan S. Goldhammer, 23, Vassalboro, assault; violating condition of release, both transferred to jury trial.
Alexandre A. Gorey, 20, Edgecomb, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200, restitution $10.99.
Edward Grant, 40, Lincoln, failing to report, dismissed.
Casey A. Hanna, 27, New Harbor, hunting from stand or blind overlooking deer bait, $200; hunting with firearms/crossbow without hunter orange, $200.
Asa Lucier, 19, Boothbay, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, transferred to jury trial.
Dana S. Malseptic, 20, Damariscotta, minor consuming liquor, $200.
Christian Matthews, 19, Dresden, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, $200; operate vehicle without license, $200; failure to register vehicle, $200.
Brandon L. McInnis, 21, Whitefield, violating condition of release, transferred to jury trial.
Shannon W. McLaughlin, 41, Bremen, rule violation, $100; place bait to entice deer, $200.
Alexiee McPhee, 19, Waldoboro, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $200, restitution $79.99.
Jody J. Mills, 51, Wiscasset, unlawful furnishing scheduled drug, dismissed; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 1700 days; criminal restraint; violating condition of release, both dismissed.
Joshua P. Mooers, 32, Whitefield, out of door burning violation; burning prohibited material, both transferred to jury trial.
Lynette Naylor, 45, Walpole, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, transferred to jury trial.
Jeffrey Patterson, 50, Phippsburg, out of door burning violation, $200, restitution $555.30.
Matthew S. Poland, 24, Cushing, hunt from stand or blind overlooking deer bait, $200.
Alexander W. Raye, 34, Jefferson, failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, $250; failing to make oral or written accident report, $250.
Brett C. Simmons, 25, Friendship, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $600, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days.
Ginger Strout, 19, Augusta, protective order from harassment violation, transferred to jury trial.
Richard O. Thompson, 34, Pittston, assault, transferred to jury trial.
Anthony W. Thornton, 28, Jefferson, operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.
William Webber, 42, Bremen, criminal mischief; domestic violence terrorizing, both transferred to jury trial.
Robert D. York, 26, Oakland, possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 oz., $350.
Anthony R. Zachadelli, 72, Waldoboro, burning prohibited material, $200.