Richard Austin, 34, Waldoboro, harvest operator fail to pay within 45 days, $1000, suspended, $1000, restitution $7682.96; harvest operator fail to pay within 45 days, $1000, suspended. $1000, restitution $7682.96; harvest operator fail to pay within 45 days, $1000, suspended; $1000, restitution $7682.96.
Ann C. Bacon, 59, Rockland, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail three months.
Dustin Bibber, 23, Boothbay Harbor, domestic violence assault, Two Bridges Regional Jail nine months all but 27 days suspended, probation two years; refusing to submit to arrest of detention, physical force, Two Bridges Regional Jail 27 days, probation two years; possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 oz., $500.
Kevin C. Brewer, 52, Waldoboro, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, transferred to jury trial.
Pauline Brewer, 54, Wiscasset, operate vehicle without license – conditions/restrictions, $60.
Simon M. Brightman Uhl, 32, Walpole, assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, fighting, $300.
Corey S. Brown, 29, Randolph, failure to register vehicle, $150; operate vehicle without license, $200.
William E. Butler, 26, Brunswick, possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 oz., $350.
Jeffrey C. Calden, 27, Jefferson, operate ATV on land of another without permission, $100.
Scott A. Colby, 38, Wiscasset, violating condition of release, transferred to jury trial.
Keith A. Collamore, 45, Waldoboro, operating under the influence, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail five days, license suspended 90 days.
Michael J. Crockett, 27, Jefferson, violating condition of release, transferred to jury trial; operating while license suspended or revoked, transferred to jury trial.
Shawn Day, 18, Waldoboro, harvest shellfish without license, $100.
Eric Farnham, 44, West Bath, fugitive from justice, extradition, Oregon.
Ricky D. Freese, 48, Dresden, operating under the influence – no test, one prior, $700, Two Bridges Regional Jail 260 days all but seven days suspended, probation one year, license suspended three years, registration suspended; operate while license suspended/revoked – OUI, prior, dismissed.
Roger Gauthier, 35, Bath, operating while license suspended or revoked, $250.
Brandon G. Giles, 37, Boothbay Harbor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, Two Bridges Regional Jail 24 hours, restitution $9.26.
Lisa M. Gosselin, 37, Edgecomb, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours.
Branden J. Gray, 14, Waldoboro, possession of tobacco products by a minor, $100.
Lindsey Hook, 21, Boothbay Harbor, operate vehicle without license – conditions/restrictions, $150.
Michelle Knowlton, 40, Waldoboro, violating condition of release, dismissed.
Mark B. Leclair, 30, Union, operating under the influence, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.
Cerina L. Leeman, 33, Round Pond, operating under the influence, $750, license suspended 90 days.
Carmine D. Licata Jr., 41, Newcastle, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 days.
Warren Joseph Livermore, 52, Bremen, operating under the influence, $700, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.
Keith G. Main, 34, Waldoboro, harvest operator fail to pay within 45 days, $1000, suspended, $1000, restitution $7682.96; harvest operator fail to pay within 45 days, $1000, suspended, $1000, restitution $7682.96; harvest operator fail to pay within 45 days, $1000, suspended, $1000, restitution $7682.96.
John N. McInnis, 25, Alna, domestic violence assault, dismissed.
Eric M. Meklin, 28, Cushing, attaching false plates, $150.
Joshua Oliver, 32, Newcastle, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail six days.
Lisa Palmieri, 37, Whitefield, misuse of identification, $500, restitution $299.86.
Michael J. Pare, 50, Boothbay, operating under the influence, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.
Christina B. Payor, 14, Warren, possession tobacco products by minor, $100.
Theodore Poland, 44, Nobleboro, engaging in activities while suspended, $750.
Patrick R. Poole, 31, South Bristol, hunt from stand or blind overlooking deer bait, $300; hunting deer after having killed one, dismissed.
Benjamin D. Scott, 40, Brunswick, domestic violence assault, transferred to jury trial.
Anthony R. Serino Jr., 33, Wiscasset, domestic violence assault, transferred to jury trial.
Melissa L. Severy, 32, Richmond, criminal attempt, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days.
Christopher M. Snyder, 41, New Harbor, operating under the influence, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail 21 days, license suspended 90 days; operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.
Marshall P. St. Cyr, 63, Newcastle, operating under the influence – one prior; $700, Two Bridges Regional Jail 280 days, probation one year, license suspended three years.
Tobby W. Stinson, 34, South Hope, operating under the influence, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail five days, license suspended 90 days, restitution $750; operating vehicle without license, Two Bridges Regional Jail two days; theft by unauthorized use of property, dismissed.
Charon L. Tauber, 67, East Boothbay, disorderly conduct, noxious and offensive odors, $200.
Michael Thibeault, 37, Bowdoin, operate vehicle without license – conditions/restrictions, $100.
Stephen Tibbetts, 33, Jefferson, failing to report, dismissed.
John C. Travers, 59, Unity, fugitive from justice, extradition, Oregon.
Joshua R. Trott, 27, Waldoboro, criminal trespass, dismissed.
Thomas Varick, 53, Jefferson, operating under the influence, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail 60 days, license suspended 90 days; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 60 days.
Signe Wallace, 40, Waldoboro, domestic violence assault, Two Bridges Regional Jail 90 days all suspended, probation one year.
William Webber, 43, Bremen, violating condition of release, transferred to jury trial.
Harley Winchenbach, 19, Waldoboro, fugitive from justice, extradition, West Virginia.
Mark Zaccadelli II, 17, Bristol, night hunting, dismissed; use artificial light to illuminate wild animals, $500.