Thomas Annis, 47, Portland, violating protective order, Two Bridges Regional Jail, 24 hours.
Joshua L. Bechard, 23, Jefferson, act as guide without license, $1000, Two Bridges Regional Jail three days; hunt or possess moose without permit, $1000, Two Bridges Regional Jail three days.
Christopher A. Benner, 20, Waldoboro, elver fishing by resident one device without license, $2000.
Gary W. Beverage, 37, Jefferson, domestic violence assault, dismissed; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail five days.
Jennifer Welch Bonney, 37, Newcastle, violating condition of release, $1000.
Kurt Brackett, 23, Newcastle, operate vehicle without license, conditions/restricted, $200.
John R. Brown, 59, Jefferson, criminal mischief, transferred to jury trial.
Michael Bryant, 35, West Yarmouth, Mass., elver fishing near dam or fishway, $500.
Leon E. Busby Jr., 32, Walpole, criminal trespass, $500; criminal trespass, dismissed.
Kegan Oak Collins, 33, Warren, violation of gear rule, chapter 55, dismissed; elver fishing by resident one device without license, $2000.
Robert Day Jr., 37, South China, elver fishing by resident one device without license, NADJ.
David A. Dunning, 42, Wiscasset, two counts endangering the welfare of a child; two counts furnish liquor to a minor, all transferred to jury trial.
Sean Dunton, 23, Boothbay, possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 oz., $350.
Dakota Elwell, 17, Vassalboro, elver fishing by resident one device without license, $500; violation of gear rule, chapter 55, $500.
Raymond D. Fulkerson, 84, Temple, Ariz., driving to endanger, $575, license suspended 30 days.
Jason M. Gallagher, 32, Damariscotta, elver fishing near dam or fishway, $2000; violation of gear rule, chapter 55, $250; elver fishing by resident one device without license, $500; elver fishing by resident one device without license, $2000.
Jeremy T. Griffin, 21, Newcastle, attaching false plates, $250.
James Guptill, 26, Waldoboro, engaging in activities while suspended, $300, Two Bridges Regional Jail 14 days; elver fishing by resident one device without license, $2000.
Bruce A. Hendrickson, 54, Waldoboro, violation of rule fish, $100.
Cory P. Hodgdon, 18, Wiscasset, minor possessing liquor, $200.
Jacob Ingraham, 16, Union, attaching false plates, $150.
John Jarrett, 59, Boothbay Harbor, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days.
Angela Johnson, 28, Waldoboro, failing to make oral or written accident report, dismissed; unsworn falsification, $350.
Sumner Keith, 20, Nobleboro, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 24 hours.
Carl C. Leigh II, 31, Washington, operating while license suspended or revoked, $250.
Tucker Lewis, 18, Boothbay, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $250, restitution $16.18.
Harlan E. Mackenzie, 42, Washington, failure to register vehicle, $100; operating while license suspended or revoked, $250.
Chelsea L. Mansfield, 24, Edgecomb, forgery, $200, restitution $820; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, dismissed.
Dylan Martz, 16, Union, permit unlawful use, $200.
Anthony McCullagh, 19, Nobleboro, operating under the influence, $500.
Scott R. Morgan, 34, Pittston, failure to register vehicle, $150.
Gregory M. Nelson, 34, Southport, operate vehicle without license, $150.
Jarrod Norcott, 23, Southport, operating under the influence, $500, Sagadahoc County Jail 72 hours, license suspended 90 days.
Stephanie O’Brien, 22, Richmond, failing to report, Two Bridges Regional Jail four days; failing to report, dismissed.
David J. Patterson, 43, Buxton, operate while license suspended/revoked – OUI, prior, transferred to jury trial.
Joey L. Peaslee, 31, Jefferson, two counts elver fishing by resident one device without license, $500 each count.
Kristen R. Peaslee, 32, Jefferson, operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.
Timothy Plummer, 19, Westford, Mass., operate vehicle without license, $150.
Thomas Powell, 21, Friendship, violation of gear rule, chapter 55, $500; elver fishing by resident one device without license, $2000; elver fishing by resident one device without license, $500; elver fishing by resident one device without license, $2000.
Daniel E. Ramos, 49, Bath, operate vehicle without license, $200.
Gary Sawyer, 50, Bristol, violating protective order, transferred to jury trial.
Arline Seavey, 25, Rockland, assault, transferred to jury trial.
Wesley J. Shanholtz, 22, Boothbay Harbor, operating under the influence, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours, license suspended 90 days.
Robert J. Swan, 18, Waldoboro, permit attachment of false plates, $150.
George Swope, 30, Boothbay, indecent conduct; two counts violating condition of release, all transferred to jury trial.
Jeremy Taylor, 24, Wiscasset, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail five days.
Samantha Trahan, 20, South China, operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.
Jonathan Vorhis, 29, Cushing, unsworn falsification, $1000; driving deer, $1000; hunting deer after having killed one, dismissed; possess unregistered deer, $1000.
Kolt Wallace, 17, Nobleboro, fish without valid license, $100.
Aaron O. Wellman, 28, Wiscasset, operating after registration suspended, $150.
Zeth A. Williams Benner, 20, Pemaquid, driving to endanger, $575, license suspended 30 days.