Timothy W. Bare, 31, Wiscasset, attaching false plates, $100.
Alan L. Beaucage, 36, Alna, hunt with crossbow or set bow, $200; hunting deer after having killed one, $1000, Two Bridges Regional Jail three days; fail to timely register bear, deer, moose, turkey, $200.
Dustin Bibber, 24, Boothbay Harbor, allow minor to possess or consume liquor, Two Bridges Regional Jail 14 days; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 14 days.
Paul A. Blakesley, 38, Boothbay, domestic violence assault, dismissed.
Tobin Burnham, 32, New Harbor, operate vehicle without license, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days; operate vehicle without license – cond/restric, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days; operating under the influence, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days, license suspended 90 days.
Tobin Burnham, 32, Round Pond, operate vehicle without license, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days; failing to notify of motor vehicle accident, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days.
Lynn E. Cole, 58, Bristol, passing stopped school bus, $450.
Jennifer K. Dalessandro, 28, Augusta, operating under the influence – one prior; operate vehicle without license, both transferred to jury trial.
Sandra Dorr, 51, Wiscasset, harassment, Two Bridges Regional Jail 14 days.
Aaron Doughty, 18, Phippsburg, motor vehicle speeding 30-plus mph over speed limit, dismissed.
James C. Doughty, 53, Bristol, operating while license suspended or revoked, $250; operating under the influence, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail five days, license suspended 90 days; driving to endanger, dismissed.
Michael Anthony Giles Sr., 33, Wiscasset, failure to register vehicle, transferred to jury trial.
Tyler James, 18, Damariscotta, minor consuming liquor, $200.
Leena Jansson, 59, Damariscotta, operating under the influence, $500, license suspended 90 days.
Christopher Jones, 19, Cushing, representing another’s license or ID as own, $250; minor possessing liquor, dismissed.
Joseph A. Labelle, 45, Whitefield, operating under the influence – one prior, $700, Two Bridges Regional Jail 120 days, license suspended three years; terrorizing, Two Bridges Regional Jail 30 days; refusing to sign summons, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours.
Jeana V. Lang, 18, Alna, possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 oz., $350.
Joshua A. McInnis, 30, Waldoboro, trafficking tobacco in adult correctional facility, transferred to jury trial.
Travis J. Morton, 36, Newcastle, operating unregistered ATV, $100; operate ATV on public way, $100.
William Morton, 25, Boothbay, assault, $300, Two Bridges Regional Jail 14 days; operating under the influence – one prior, $700, Two Bridges Regional Jail 364 days, all but 14 days suspended, probation one year, license suspended three years; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 14 days.
Daniel A. Nessmith, 31, Wiscasset, driving to endanger, dismissed.
Bruce M. Orne, 18, Boothbay, failing to make oral or written accident report, $500; minor transporting liquor, $100, license suspended 30 days.
Briannah N. Parlin, 21, South Thomaston, possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 oz., default.
Christopher A. Perkins, 29, Wiscasset, sale and use of drug paraphernalia, $350; possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 oz., dismissed.
Loretta Perkins, 31, Wiscasset, sale and use of drug paraphernalia; possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 oz., both dismissed.
Meggan Peters, 21, Damariscotta, minor consuming liquor, $200.
Joshua Reed, 25, Boothbay, operating while license suspended or revoked, $250.
Jonathan W. Snell, 19, Damariscotta, allow minor to possess or consume liquor, $1000.
Kyle Wambolt, 26, Marlborough, Mass., domestic violence assault, $300.
Joshua J. Watkis, 36, Alna, domestic violence assault, transferred to jury trial.