Lewis Cameron, 43, Nobleboro, untagged lobster traps, Chap. 25, $700.
Robert J. Christ, 51, Waldoboro, domestic violence terrorizing, Two Bridges Regional Jail 180 days, all but 22 days suspended, probation one year.
Alton G. Colby, 47, Boothbay, domestic violence assault, transferred to jury trial.
Scott A. Colby, 39, Wiscasset, domestic violence assault, dismissed; disorderly conduct, offensive words, gestures, $300.
Shawn Day, 19, Waldoboro, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours.
Debra L. Delano, 52, Dresden, trafficking tobacco in adult correctional facility, $1000.
Sandra Dorr, 51, Wiscasset, two counts harassment by telephone, both transferred to jury trial.
James L. Finley, 49, Boothbay Harbor, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, $500, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours, restitution $45.
William Howard Gove, 63, Wiscasset, violating condition of release, transferred to jury trial.
Ethan A. Knight, 17, Bristol, possession tobacco products by minor, $200.
Bronwen E. Lane, 32, Pemaquid, disorderly conduct, fighting, dismissed.
Jacob McMillan, 19, Gardiner, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, Two Bridges Regional Jail 24 hours, restitution $200.
Travis M. O’Brien, 36, Bremen, operating while license suspended or revoked, dismissed.
Kelsey L. Prior, 26, Bristol, disorderly conduct, fighting, dismissed.
Brenda J. Russell, 54, Boothbay Harbor, operate vehicle without license, $500.
Jenna Simmons, 28, Damariscotta, domestic violence assault, dismissed.
Zachary Titus, 28, Thomaston, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail, 48 hours.
Chrystal M. Turberville, 29, Dresden, assault, dismissed.
Cody Watson, 19, Boothbay, possession of marijuana, up to 1.25 ounces, $500; minor consuming liquor, dismissed.
Scott W. Young, 51, Wiscasset, operate vehicle without license, dismissed.