The Library Journal has named Skidompha Public Library in Damariscotta a Star Library based on community use of the services it offers. This is the second time in two years that the library has received national recognition.
Nationwide, only 258 libraries, of 7400 rated, were given the star designation, which is based on per capita data measuring the circulation of books, library visits, program attendance, and public Internet computer use.
According to Pam Gormley, library director, “Being named a Star Library is a major accomplishment. In our case, it recognizes our steady increase in library use since we moved into the new building nine-and-a-half years ago. Besides offering an excellent book collection, we bring people into the library through our dynamic mix of author appearances, activities for people of all ages, and multi-media programs including films and cultural events.
“All the credit,” she adds, “goes to our small staff of 10 involved in direct library services, nine of whom work part time, and to our many volunteers who donate 10,000 hours a year. They all work together to keep the library vibrant, welcoming, and innovative.”
Only three other libraries in Maine have achieved star recognition: Camden, Rockland, and Guilford. Libraries are rated according to how they compare with other libraries that have similar annual operating expenditures.
The Library Journal, founded in 1876, is the oldest and most respected trade journal for librarians.
In 2008, Skidompha Library received the National Award for Library Service from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. According to the Institute, this award “recognizes outstanding libraries that make significant and exceptional contributions to their communities through innovative and extraordinary public service.”
Skidompha Library, located on Main Street in Damariscotta, is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9-5; Thursday from 9-7; and Saturday from 9-1. Library cards are free to residents of Damariscotta, Newcastle, and Nobleboro, due to their towns’ tax contributions to the library.
For all others, family cards are available for $40. For more information about the library and its variety of programs, contact the library at 563-5513, or visit its website,