In an April 18 memorandum to the Lincoln County Commissioners, Lincoln County Planner Bob Faunce expressed concern over the level of funding for county roads.
“Transportation funding has fallen well short of transportation needs for years,” wrote Faunce. “Unless the Legislature and the Administration reconsider their current intention of not supporting a new Transportation capital improvement bond, road conditions in Lincoln County will continue to worsen.”
The memo highlighted DOT work plan projects in Lincoln County for 2012-13, which include: $9,560,438 to replace the Gut Bridge in South Bristol; $1,700,000 to repaint the Davey Bridge in Wiscasset; and, $360,000 to construct a Bus. Rt. 1 sidewalk in Damariscotta.
In a note of caution, Faunce wrote that projects could be dropped when other priorities arise or expected revenues fall short if, for example, the Legislature fails to approve the $20,000,000 general fund appropriation.
While absolving the DOT of fault, he put the blame squarely on chronic underfunding of road maintenance and reconstruction by the Legislature due to insufficient fuel taxes and transportation bonds.
“I am concerned that, save for a small section of Rt. 1, there is no resurfacing planned in Lincoln County in the next two years,” wrote Faunce. “Most every county community has at least one state or state-aide road in very poor condition.”
Faunce cited Rt. 144 in Westport Island and Harrington Road in South Bristol as examples.
“Maine is not a wealthy state so it is even more important that we spend our public dollars wisely and maintain our public infrastructure in the best condition possible,” he wrote in conclusion.
“We cannot continue to allow our roads to deteriorate. It costs much more to rebuild a road than to periodically replace it.”
The 2012-13 work plan includes $86,750 in highway resurfacing, all of it for Rt. 1 wrote Faunce, which would in turn leave no funding for resurfacing any other county highways.
Other projects pegged for 2012-2013 include $95,000 to replace a culvert on Rt. 32 in Bremen, $1,004,250 to construct a runway at the Wiscasset airport, and $250,000 to paint the Rt. 1 ramp bridge in Newcastle.