Like a huge vertical jigsaw puzzle, the steeple of the historic Damariscotta Baptist Church is beginning to take shape.
“We pre-cut the timbers and mortised them. Now we are putting them in place and fastening them with wooden pegs,” said Scott Lewis.
Lewis, of Preservation Timber Framing of Berwick, heads a crew that is assembling the steeple.
“Our next step is to complete the framing. Then we will put on the trim and sheeting,” he said.
Formally home to Damariscotta’s town clock, the decaying steeple structure was removed from its place atop the church for repairs in July 2007. The workings of the town clock are currently on display at the Skidompha Library on Damariscotta’s Main St.
To date, the Landmark Steeple and Clock Restoration Trustees have raised more than $332,000 for spire, clock and bell tower restoration, but more than $117,000 is still needed before the belfry and steeple can return to their final destination.