In an effort to make up for the cancellation of Jefferson Community Day this year, the Bunker Hill Ladies’ Aid Society of Jefferson held a flea market and craft fair on Aug. 14 at the Ladies’ Aid Hall on Bunker Hill Road in Jefferson.
The Ladies’ Aid event was well attended and by all accounts a fantastic success.
Ten tables were set up with crafts, baked goods and miscellaneous items for sale, and many people said they relished the opportunity to spend the morning with friends and reconnect with community members they don’t see on a regular basis.
“I love to see all the summer people that live on the lake,” said Ladies’ Aid member Lu Archer, a.k.a. the Bunker Hill Quilter. “I came here as a summer person 40 years ago and never left.”
The weather was perfect and along with enhancing the local sense of community, the flea market and craft fair gave many local organizations a chance to get out and raise money
“A lot of people depended on Jefferson Day,” said Ladies’ Aid member Joan Ladner. “We want to give people that opportunity.”
However, most people at the flea market and craft fair said they felt the absence of Jefferson Community Day.
“It’s too bad they couldn’t hold it this year, a lot of people really missed it,” Archer said. “This is such wonderful close community. When someone needs something done, we find who can do it and get it done. Jefferson Day is a celebration of that.”
Unfortunately, this year there was a lack of volunteers willing to help organize Jefferson Day, so it was canceled.
“Today was great,” said Joe Gray, a member of the Mid-Coast Audubon Society, which had a booth at the Ladies’ Aid event. “Jefferson Day always had a much wider variety of people. I really hope we can pull it back together next year.”
With only a few weeks to organize their flea market and craft fair, The Bunker Hill Ladies’ Aid Society did a wonderful job providing an outlet for many people who would otherwise have missed Jefferson Day, many people said at the event.
“We’re delighted we had the opportunity to do it,” said Ladies’ Aid Vice President Lonnie Andersen. “We had a wonderful day.”