The following decisions were handed down by Lincoln County Superior Court.
Benjamin P. Arsenault, 28, Jefferson, was convicted of unlawfully shooting or discharging firearm or crossbow and fined $500.
Daniel E. Bailey, 47, Jefferson, was convicted of assault, fined $600 and sentenced to Two Bridges Regional Jail for seven days. A charge of domestic violence assault was dismissed; assault, $600, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days.
Nichole Brackett, 24, Newcastle, theft by receiving stolen property.
Hailey M. Brazier, 20, Waldoboro, negotiate a worthless instrument, Two Bridges Regional Jail six months, probation one year, restitution $3094.69.
David M. Chung, 65, Dresden, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 24 hours.
Joseph P. Clancy III, 21, Phippsburg, motor vehicle speeding; 30 plus mph over speed limit, dismissed.
Brandon Cookson, 20, Boothbay, aggravated assault, dismissed.
Scott L. Corey, 46, Jefferson, domestic violence assault, Two Bridges Regional Jail 55 days.
Neil Fredette, 55, Nobleboro, two counts criminal threatening with dangerous weapon; terrorizing, all dismissed.
John Giannelli, 34, Augusta, negotiate a worthless instrument, Dept. of Corrections 18 months, all but 14 days suspended, probation two years, restitution $1182.79.
Nathan P. Hanna, 47, Bristol, take, transport, sell, possess v-notched lobster, acquitted; possessing lobster beyond minimum or maximum, acquitted; dumping items before marine officer can inspect, acquitted.
Nathan Herald, 21, Damariscotta, criminal trespass; theft by receiving stolen property.
Rachel M. Kelley, 28, Southport, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, dismissed.
Briean L. Kennington, 21, Nobleboro, driving to endanger, $575.
Aaron M. Knight, 26, Topsham, unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs.
Roger L. Lavallee, 52, Wiscasset, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, Two Bridges Regional Jail six months, probation partially revoked.
Joshua Madore, 31, Brunswick, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, priors; two counts misuse of identification, all dismissed.
Steven L. McDonald, 49, Dresden, terrorizing, Two Bridges Regional Jail five days, all but five days suspended; terrorizing, dismissed; violating condition of release, dismissed; violating protective order, dismissed.
Dylan Mitchell, 21, South Bristol, furnish liquor to a minor, dismissed.
Chelsea Pottle, 19, Southport, unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400.
Joseph A. Richards, 34, Damariscotta, two counts violating condition of release.
Matthew R. Wade, 29, East Boothbay, domestic violence assault, dismissed.
Morgan P. White, 22, Newcastle, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours; operating under the influence, dismissed.
Michael E. Wiley, 29, Rockland, assault, $300, Two Bridges Regional Jail seven days.