Heather B. Beasley, 51, Dresden, obstructing government administration, $100.
Nicole E. Brann, 18, Waldoboro, unlawful possession of Oxycodone, dismissed; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $1000; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 48 hours.
Shawn T. Brewer, 29, Waldoboro, two counts unlawful possession of scheduled drugs; burglary; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; two counts violating condition of release, all dismissed; theft by receiving stolen property, Two Bridges Regional Jail three months; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 30 days.
Jesse Bulmer, 36, Pemaquid, operating under the influence, dismissed; driving to endanger, $750, license suspended 30 days.
David Peter Clifford, 19, Edgecomb, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 60 days; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 60 days; criminal threatening, Department of Corrections 364 days, all but 60 days suspended, probation one year; criminal threatening with dangerous weapon, dismissed.
Clancy M. Collins, 20, Rockland, three counts burglary; two counts criminal mischief; three counts theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, all dismissed.
Shawn A. Dinsmore, 42, Newcastle, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, Department of Corrections two years, all but 30 days suspended, probation two years, restitution $1000.
Jonathan W. Doray, 34, Wiscasset, shooting domestic animals, $750.
Andrew Douglass, 53, Wiscasset, fail to comply sex offender reg. act, third offense, Two Bridges Regional Jail 40 days; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 40 days; fail to comply sex offender reg. act, third offense, Two Bridges Regional Jail 40 days; fail to comply sex reg. act, third offense, Two Bridges Regional Jail 40 days; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 40 days; fail to comply sex offender reg. act, third offense, Two Bridges Regional Jail 45 days.
Jeffrey E. Firth, 21, South Portland, burglary, dismissed; criminal trespass, Two Bridges Regional Jail 21 days.
Jessica Gagnon, 30, Thomaston, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail six months.
Zachary A. Genthner, 20, Waldoboro, theft by receiving stolen property, Two Bridges Regional Jail 14 days; violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 14 days.
Troy M. Hallett, 44, Hallowell, nine counts burglary, Department of Corrections 20 months for each count; seven counts theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, all dismissed.
Karen Harrington, 26, Wiscasset, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail 24 hours; unlawful possession of oxycodone, dismissed; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $400; Department of Corrections 364 days, all suspended, probation one year; restitution $120.
John Healey, 46, Hallowell, unlawful trafficking in scheduled drugs, Department of Corrections two years, seven months, eight days, probation revoked.
Daniel Hennessey, 46, Jefferson, protective order from harassment violation, Two Bridges Regional Jail 30 days; refuse to submit to arrest or detention, refuse to stop, Two Bridges Regional Jail 30 days; motor vehicle speeding 30 plus mph over speed limit, dismissed; eluding an officer, Department of Corrections three years all but 120 days suspended, probation two years.
Alicia Jackson, 26, Jefferson, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, unconditional discharge; burglary, dismissed; theft by unauthorized taking or transfer, Two Bridges Regional Jail six months, all suspended, probation one year; forgery, dismissed.
Alton L. King III, 29, Dresden, theft by unauthorized use of property, $500, restitution $500; failing to notify of motor vehicle accident; criminal mischief; failing to make oral or written accident report; assault, all dismissed.
Asa Lucier, 19, Boothbay, theft by unauthorized taking or transfer; burglary, both dismissed.
Peter Mathieson, 63, Palermo, reckless conduct, $500; driving to endanger, dismissed.
Carroll W. Mullens Jr., 39, Whitefield, driving to endanger, dismissed; obstructing government administration, $200.
Jason E. Oliver, 35, Nobleboro, aggravated forgery, dismissed; unlawful possession of scheduled drug, $500.
Leroy Parker Jr., 22, Tenants Harbor, violating condition of release, Two Bridges Regional Jail six months.
Kathleen A. Simmons, 43, Waldoboro, theft by deception, priors, Department of Corrections two years six months, all but 14 days suspended, probation two years, restitution $2556.20.
Karen B. Smith, 52, Edgecomb, arson, dismissed.
Gabriel B. Tonon, 20, Boothbay, carrying concealed weapon, dismissed.
Nathan Wheeler, 23, Augusta, unlawful sexual contact, Department of Corrections six years, all suspended, probation one year.
William W. Wheelock, 63, Jefferson, assault, dismissed.
Edson Wilson, 35, Augusta, theft by deception, priors, Two Bridges Regional Jail 90 days, restitution $159.49.