Teagan Mae Candace Mathews was born Oct. 25, 2013 weighing 8 lbs., 9.9 oz., 20 ¼ inches long to parents Garret and Eden Mathews. Siblings are Kayla, 5, and Gavin, 2, of Waldoboro. Grandparents are Candace and Ron Hutchins of New Harbor.
Serving Maine and Lincoln County for over 140 years
Teagan Mae Candace Mathews was born Oct. 25, 2013 weighing 8 lbs., 9.9 oz., 20 ¼ inches long to parents Garret and Eden Mathews. Siblings are Kayla, 5, and Gavin, 2, of Waldoboro. Grandparents are Candace and Ron Hutchins of New Harbor.
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