Cooking food slowly by smoking it is nothing new, but Alex Nevens’ new custom made smoker is – and it produces mouth-watering wonders.
Nevens and his wife, Rachel, preside over the Newcastle Publick House. Wanting to add a feature to distinguish them from other area eateries, the Nevens called metal artist Matt Harkins, who works just up Academy Hill from the Publick House’s historic structure, a former antique shop that Rachel says once served as a Customs House.
“I started out designing a barrel stove, but it turned into a rectangle to increase the capacity,” Harkins said. “We wanted to get maximum area inside so we stood it upright.”
“Actually,” he admitted, “I was not sure what I had gotten into, but I wanted to get it right and I think I did.”
Nevens thinks it is more than just right.
“It changed our menu. Now we are able to serve Smoked Mussels, Smoked Duck Confit, in addition to BBQ platters of ribs and chicken and turkey,” he said.
The secret, besides the design of the smoker and quality ingredients, is the wood. Nevens smokes the food using native apple and cherry wood that is provided by Tomahawk Tree Service. “It is all local wood,” he said.
Next up for Nevens is smoked pork. “I think I can fit a 250-pound pig inside,” he said. “I’ll call you when I do that.”