Construction is underway on a 24-by-24-foot wooden building at the historic Thompson Ice House in South Bristol on Monday, Feb. 1. The building, which will house archives and an expansion of the ice museum, is planned to be completed by the annual ice harvest Sunday, Feb. 14. (Maia Zewert photo)
Construction on a new 24-by-24-foot wooden building is hoped to be completed by the ice harvest on Sunday, Feb. 14, according to Ken Lincoln, president of the Thompson Ice House Preservation Corp.
The nonprofit decided to build the addition during a meeting last year. A portion of the building will be dedicated to the storage of its files and archives, while most of the space will house an expansion of the museum with room for the display of antique ice-cutting tools, Lincoln said.
The project was made possible through donations to the Thompson Ice House Preservation Corp., which are always graciously accepted, Lincoln said.
The annual ice harvest will start at 10 a.m. and continue until 3 p.m. on Valentine’s Day. Attendees have the opportunity to witness and participate in an ice harvest, an event common in the days before refrigerators.
Using antique ice-cutting tools, volunteers of all ages will have the chance to cut large ice blocks from Thompson Pond and move the blocks of ice along a narrow channel, up a wooden ramp, and into the historic ice house.
The event is free to attend and will also feature hayrides, ice skating, and refreshments.
Ice house merchandise will be available and the ice house museum will be open.
The nonprofit Thompson Ice House Preservation Corp. manages the Thompson Ice House, a working museum dedicated to the methods of traditional ice harvesting in South Bristol. For more information, visit www.thompsonicehouse.com or www.facebook.com/thompsonicehouse.