About 30 people, including the principal players, attended an open forum on a proposed Damariscotta Charter amendment Sept. 12 at Skidompha’s Porter Meeting Hall.
The amendment that may appear on Damariscotta’s general election ballot Nov. 6,seeks to change Damariscotta’s Town Charter to allow the board of selectmen the option to outsource the police services, currently provided by the town’s police department.
The existing charter requires Damariscotta have its own police chief and department. The actual wording of the two-part amendment has been suggested by Damariscotta Town Manager Matt Lutkus, but has not yet been approved by the board of selectmen.
Damariscotta Police Chief Chad Andrews and Sheriff Brackett were on hand in the very informal setting, to speak on the issues and respond to questions.
Both Andrews and Brackett made it clear that they work together cooperatively and it is not a question of Damariscotta Police department versus Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department.
“We work very closely together, and really well,” Brackett. “Damariscotta comes to Newcastle, Bristol and Nobleboro to assist us, and we come to Damariscotta to assist them.”
Bracket explicitly stated doing away away with Damariscotta’s police force and contracting with the LCSO would be a tremendous change for the town.
“There won’t be a police chief where you can walk in the door and just talk about something that you’ve seen or a concern,” he said. “I’ll be available, of course, on the phone, but I won’t say it’s not a big change.”
A complete story will follow here and in the Sept. 20 edition of The Lincoln County News.