A two-part storm on Sun. left a blanket of snowfall over inland areas of Lincoln County and a mix of snow, sleet and rain on coastal areas.
A total of 7.5 inches of snow had fallen in Newcastle by 5 p.m. on Sun. during the first stage of the storm, and then another 4 inches fell overnight during the second stage of the storm, leaving a total accumulation of 11.5 inches of snowfall for the event, according to Arlene Cole, a weather observer for the National Weather Service (NWS).
Between the two weather fronts, the skies cleared and many residents retired for the night believing the storm was over. The second front hit the area in the late night and early morning hours.
The NWS extended a Winter Storm Warning for Lincoln County from midnight Sun. until 4 a.m. Mon. in anticipation of the second wave of weather.
Snowfall totals in other areas were even higher, with 18 inches in nearby Rockland and a new record of 14 inches in Portland, according to reports. The Newcastle total of 11.5 inches exceeded the forecast total of 11 inches.
Power outages were reported in some areas of Newcastle, Edgecomb, Bristol and Boothbay. A check of power outages on cmp.com confirmed that power outages had been reported in Edgecomb and Boothbay along the River Road area from Mt. Hunger East Rd west to Rt. 27. Outages were also reported in Bristol on the Pemaquid Point Rd., and in scattered areas of Newcastle.
A check of power outages on cmp.com at 12:05 a.m. on Mon. indicated that all areas in Lincoln County have had power restored.
Some closings and cancellations were reported Sun., including the Boothbay Region YMCA (closed) and Wiscasset Community Center (all activities cancelled).
Church services were cancelled at Boothbay Harbor United Methodist Church, Boothbay Region Community Fellowship, Christ Church in Damariscotta, First Baptist Church of Waldoboro, Lincoln County Assembly of God, North Nobleboro Baptist Church, Orff’s Corner Community Church, and St. Patrick’s Church in Newcastle.
Aside from scattered reports of vehicles off the road, there were no major incidents related to this storm, according to the Lincoln County Emergency Management Agency.