After a four-month investigation, state and local law enforcement arrested four men in Knox County last month they say constitute a “heroin-prescription drug distribution ring.”
The man authorities are calling the ringleader is Michael Dangelo, 32, of Acton and Waldoboro, according to a Maine Drug Enforcement Agency press release. Waldoboro police said Dangelo has not lived in Waldoboro for some time.
Dangelo is accused of importing heroin and oxycodone from Massachusetts into Knox County, where the other three individuals are believed to have distributed it throughout the county. The investigation is ongoing, and more arrests are expected “in the next couple of weeks,” said MDEA Supervisor Jim Pease.
Dangelo was arrested on May 25 and released from Knox County Jail the same day on $1000 cash bail, officials at the jail said. Although the details are not clear, it appears Dangelo was immediately transported to another jail. Dangelo may have been wanted in as many as four other counties, officials said.
The Maine Drug Enforcement Agency, Knox County Sheriff’s Office, Rockland Police and State Police all participated in the arrests.