Waldoboro officer’s responded to 175 calls for service in this time period. Below are a few of the highlights.
Officer Andrew Santheson is investigating a harassment complaint.
Officer Thomas Bartunek investigated a harassment complaint; the subject was found and warned on harassment.
June 6, Officer John Lash is investigating an attempted burglary complaint from the VFW; is investigating a complaint from the Big Apple of a $56.04 gas drive-off.
Officer Thomas Bartunek is investigating a complaint of the theft of a 2006 Chrysler van. Vehicle was located unattended.
June 7, Officer Jeffery Fuller is investigating a money theft.
June 10, Officer Jeffery Fuller is investigating a harassment complaint.
June 4, Officer Jeremy Joslyn is investigating a report from the Corner Exxon of a burglary, money was taken.
Officer John Lash summoned Alvin Peabody, 21, of Waldoboro for speed 30+; and summoned Kammie Howard, 18, of Lewiston for speed.
Officer Andrew Santheson summoned Nathan Daniel, 33, of Cushing for an insurance violation.
June 6, Officer John Lash summoned Susan Mendleson, 50, of Washington for speed.
June 7, Officer Jeffery Fuller summoned Matthew Kinney, 29, of Bremen, for operating after suspension and attaching false plates.
Officer John Lash summoned Margaret Michaud, 50, of Augusta, for possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of useable amount of marijuana.
June 10, Officer Thomas Hoepner summoned a 17-year-old male for assault.
As the result of the accident Courtney Costa, 19, of Union, was charged with failure to show proof of insurance, illegal transportation of alcohol by a minor, and operating under the influence.