Longtime Waldoboro resident Marguerite Hills celebrated her 100th birthday at Broad Bay Congregational United Church of Christ in Waldoboro the afternoon of Sunday, May 21, prior to her birthday Thursday, May 25.
Hills said she appreciated all those who made their way to the church.
“It was a very good party. There were about 75 people there. I got to see a lot of people I hadn’t seen in a long time,” Hills said.
Hills moved to Waldoboro from Thomaston with her family in 1955 and to her current home on Old Route 1 from a nearby farmhouse in 1968.
“As long as I have my health and am able to stay in my home, I’m thankful for that and my sons, who all live nearby,” Hills said. She has three sons, four grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.
Hills credits her long life in part to genes. She had an aunt who lived to 102.
“I’ve always eaten what I wanted and done what I wanted. I always tried taking things in stride,” Hills said.
Hills worked at Reed’s Gift Shop in Warren in her younger days, in a building that is now an antique store. Nowadays she spends her time crocheting and reading.