Members of The American Legion Wells-Hussey Post No. 42 replaced the long-standing flagpole in front of their Damariscotta home Aug. 22.
By general consensus, post members agreed the existing flagpole had been standing in its place on the front walkway for at least 30 years.
Post members took action in part because the yardarm on the existing flagpole was too close to the top to allow the American flag free. The yardarms are used to fly the POW and State of Maine flags respectively.
In its stead they have erected a new model, located on the lawn to the left of the entrance with a lower yardarm, which will allow the post to fly a larger American flag.
The legion will dedicate the new flagpole with a brief ceremony in front of the post, located at 527 Main St., Damariscotta, Monday, Aug. 26 at 6 p.m.