Judy and Steve White of Jefferson are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Danielle Marie, to Derek Scott Brown of Vassalboro, son of Robin and Dave Nicholas, of Vassalboro and Noel Brown and Alison Gingras of Jay.
Danielle, a 2008 graduate of Clark F. Miller School of Radiology at Central Maine Medical Center in Lewiston, with a specialty in sonography from KVCC in Fairfield, is employed at Southern Maine Medical Center in Biddeford.
Derek, with a computer software development degree from Thomas College, is employed as a Computer Network Maintenance Technician with Envirologix of Portland.
An Aug. 18 wedding will be held at the Cousin’s Island Chapel with a reception following at the Harraseeket Inn in Freeport.
Danielle and Derek make their home in Yarmouth.