The ripple effect of the rejection of Wiscasset’s assessing budget by voters in June, and again Sept. 10, is creating more problems for the town.
Currently Wiscasset does not have enough money at this time to pay their county tax bill, roughly about $495,000, which is due at the end of the month, and will ask the Lincoln County Commissioners for an extension. The town has not been able to make a tax commitment as a result of the rejected assessing budget.
During a meeting of the Wiscasset Board of Selectmen Oct. 1, Selectman Ed Polewarczyk told his board members he would not do the assessing work. Polewarczyk said, in his opinion, there is a difference between the board of assessors, and an assessing agent.
“I will not perform assessing work,” Polewarczyk said. He went on to give three reasons why: the voters rejected the assessing budget closing the assessing department therefore the selectmen have not been authorized to do the assessing; for the selectmen to do the assessing, it creates a liability to the town with them not having the knowledge to assess; and since the town has an open contract with the union the selectmen would be performing a union job.
Not all the selectmen agreed with Polewarczyk. Selectman Jeff Slack indicated he thought it was the board’s responsibility. Budget Committee member William Barnes didn’t agree either. During public comments Barnes said, “Part of the selectmen’s job for many years was to do the assessing. You knew that when you took the job. You should resign if you don’t want to do the job.”
Selectman Pam Dunning suggested the town seek legal advice to find out exactly what their role should be. Selectman Judy Colby agreed with seeking legal advice, as did Polewarczyk.
A motion was also made to postpone any action on assessing issues until they received clarification from their attorney. The motion carried 3-2 with Selectmen Tim Merry and Slack voting in opposition.
The three choices include: keep all three schools in Wiscasset open; close the middle school and split the students in the middle school to the high school and the primary school: close the high school and tuition the high school students.
Smith made it clear option one, to continue operating all three schools was not a good option, because of Wiscasset’s school population. “We need a school system that will fit our population and finances.” Smith said. “Currently 72 percent of our property taxes is for our schools. Seven other towns control our taxes.”
Smith also reminded the board four of the eight towns in the RSU are considering withdrawal from the RSU. He warned, if that happened, Wiscasset’s taxes could increase because of the RSU’s decrease in revenue.
Smith also urged the importance of having the required minimum number of voters, 833, turn out for Nov. 5 election.
The selectmen accepted a bid of $67,250 from George Freeman for the Middle Street property.
The two vacant lots, one next to the Heritage Village, and the other next to McDonald’s, will be sold by a real estate agency. If the realtor is unable to sell the property, the selectmen’s next step would be to have a property foreclosure auction, a suggestion by Budget Committee member Bob Blagden to the board.
Jones said he was told by Chief Cline the sign was not enforceable because there was no ordinance to back it up. Jones suggested the selectmen ask the ordinance review committee to develop an ordinance that would allow the sign to be enforced.
Dunning said the board denied the abatement because the request was for 2013 and those tax bills have not been sent out yet. “We will consider the abatement at a later date,” Dunning said.