During their regular meeting Dec. 7, the Wiscasset Board of Selectmen approved a Special Amusement Permit for the return of Oxxfest, a hard rock festival that drew over 10,000 concertgoers to the town in July.
The permit is contingent upon all final plans to be submitted 90 days prior to the event. In a public hearing before the motion, residents had a chance to weigh in on their experience with Oxxfest with the issue of foul language being front and center.
“I have three kids and could not go into my garden because of the cursing. It sounded like a horror movie just before something really bad was about to happen,” said Wiscasset resident Kim Hunter.
Jenny Gray of the West Alna Road shared Hunter’s concerns and addressed the board with an expletive to underscore her point.
Steve Smith, representing Wiscasset racetrack owner Doug White, blamed the language problem on the absence of a backstage handler who was charged with upholding certain rules of conduct. Smith said he had addressed the issue along with lingering concerns over proper fencing, adequate supplies of drinking water, and parking.
“Last year was a learning experience for everyone but I’m confident we are on the right track,” Smith said.
Selectmen amended one part of the motion to change the pay schedule for town resources from 24 hours prior to the concert to 10 days. The change would give the town a longer window for recourse in case White does not meet his obligations, a scenario the selectmen deemed unlikely.
The amusement permit also included a country music festival. The board is scheduled to meet next on Dec. 21.