After approximately 15 years, Wiscasset hosted a Bureau of Motor Vehicles mobile unit for the last time Thursday, Sept. 10. Lincoln County residents filed in to take advantage of the last day of the service.
The decision to close the mobile unit in Wiscasset was made in an effort to realign mobile unit services to make the best use of resources, Bureau of Motor Vehicles spokeswoman Kristen Muszynski said. Due to the proximity of Lincoln County to branch offices in Topsham, Augusta, and Rockland, Wiscasset was not considered an underserved community, she said.
The mobile unit in York was also discontinued. The units are expensive to run and the decision to close the units in York and Wiscasset was part of an ongoing effort at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles to be more efficient, Muszynski said.
“It’ll make a difference,” Cindy Sykes said. A deputy town clerk in Damariscotta, Sykes constantly refers people to Wiscasset’s mobile unit, she said. “Now people will have to travel. It won’t be so close for them anymore.”
Sykes used the last day of the mobile unit service to process a change of address.