Sept. 1, Lt. Allen received two reports of an erratic driver on Birch Point Rd., received report of vehicle passing a stopped school bus on Rt. 1, and received a verbal warning for speeding on Bradford Rd.
Sept. 1, Officer Williams made attempt of service of paperwork on Gardiner Rd., received complaint of erratic operation on Rt. 1, and provided citizen with escort on Danforth St.
Sept. 2, Officer Williams provided motorist assist on Rt. 1, responded to a business alarm on Rt. 1, and assisted Pennsylvania State Police with death notification on Bradford Rd.
Sept. 2, Lt. Allen stopped vehicle reference erratic operation on Birch Point Rd., responded to a juvenile runaway on Federal St., received report of a stolen bicycle from Willow Lane, made service of paperwork for Sagadahoc District Court on Rt. 1, investigated report of stolen motor vehicle from Gardiner Rd., and responded to a suspicious person complaint on Gardiner Rd.
Sept. 3, Officer Williams investigated report of suspicious person on Deer Ridge Rd., responded to bald eagle in roadway, responded to alarm at business on Rt. 1; responded to an ATV complaint on Ward Brook Rd., and assisted Waldoboro Police Department with out of control female at TBRJ.
Sept. 3, Officer VanHorn provided business assist on Gardiner Rd., investigated report of marijuana growing on Birch Point Rd., and responded for missing child at the primary school on Federal St. Gardiner Rd.; all okay – on wrong bus.
Sept. 4, Officer Williams assisted Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department with out of control male in custody on Rt. 1, after an erratic operation complaint, female was stopped and arrested for operating under the influence on Rt. 1, assisted Penobscot Superior Court with warrant arrest at Two Bridges Regional Jail, responded to suspicious persons on Langdon Rd., and along with Officer Don Smith responded to two erratic operations complaints on Gardiner Rd. and on Rt. 1.
Sept. 4, Officer Don Smith assisted Wiscasset Town Office with property lock-up on Gardiner Rd. and received report of theft at business on Rt. 1.
Sept. 4, Officer Simmons responded to a traffic hazard on Rt. 1, assisted probation and parole with compliance check at the police department, responded to an alarm at the water district on Birch Point Rd., and received complaint of possible fraud on Lowelltown Rd.
Sept. 5, Officer Don Smith issued two warnings for traffic offenses on Rt. 1 and issued summons for speeding on Rt. 1.
Sept. 5, Officer Williams issued a warning for speeding on Rt. 1 and responded to loud noise complaint on the West Alna Rd.
Sept. 5, Officer Temple assisted probation and parole with compliance check at the police department, investigated a non-reportable accident in parking area at TBRJ, assisted Waldoboro with intoxilyzer test at TBRJ, and received complaint of theft of wallet from parked vehicle at business on Rt. 27.
Sept. 5, Officer Simmons received complaint of subjects loitering at business on Rt. 1,
Sept. 5, Officer Smith responded to a car/deer accident on Gardiner Rd., and provided property checks on Federal St. and at the Waterfront.
Sept. 6, Officer Mike Smith provided property checks on Federal St. and on Gardiner Rd.
Sept. 6, Officer Banks arrested two persons on drug charges at Two Bridges Regional Jail, arrested subject for violation of conditions of release on Birch Point Rd., and responded to a business alarm on Gardiner Rd.
Sept. 6, Officer Simmons assisted Damariscotta Police Department with relay of message on the Old Sheepscot Rd., responded to erratic operation complaint on the Dickinson Rd., responded to loud music complaint on Gardiner Rd., responded to suspicious vehicle on the Gardiner Rd.; and checked smoldering fire behind business on Rt. 1.
Sept. 7, Officer Williams investigated suspicious motorist on Middle St., responded to business alarm on Twin Rivers Drive, and investigated well-being of baby on Rt. 1, and responded to unwanted subject on Deer Ridge Rd.
Sept. 7, Officer Simmons received barking dog complaint on Fowle Hill Rd. and assisted Damariscotta Police Department in locating vehicle on Birch Point Rd.
On Sept. 4 Officer Williams arrested Stephen Larrabee, 24, of Belfast on a Penobscot County Superior Court warrant for failure to pay fines at Two Bridges Regional Jail.
On Sept. 4 Officer Williams arrested Jackie E. Fisher, 36, of New Harbor for operating under the influence on Rt. 1.
On Sept. 5 Officer Mike Smith issued a summons to Nicholas J. Buscanera, 17, for violation of instruction permit on Rt. 1.
On Sept. 5 Officer Don Smith issued a summons to Christopher Soverns, 22, of South Windsor, Conn. for speeding on Rt. 1.
On Sept. 6 Officer Banks arrested Roger A. Campbell, 30, of Wiscasset for violation of condition of release and trafficking in prison contraband at Two Bridges Regional Jail.
On Sept. 6 Officer Banks arrested Angela M. Dow, 26, of Wiscasset trafficking in prison contraband and unlawful possession of Schedule “W” Drug at Two Bridges Regional Jail.
On Sept. 6 Officer Banks arrested Harry H. Hilton, 55, of Wiscasset for violation of condition of release and refusing to sign USAC/VSAC on Birch Point Rd.